Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lundi, 13 Mai 2013: Sibling Rivalry

Today was an ordinarily good day. I did my usual housework and pretty much spent the rest of the day reading. My ordinary day turned into hectic once I picked up the kids though. Camille put herself in the front seat as always since she's the first one to be picked up. When Léa and Baptiste got out of school, Baptiste tried to beat Camille into the front seat for once. She shoved him out of the way and told him that it was her spot. He ended up telling her that she was a "connasse" and started provoking her. Baptiste told Camille that she was a snob, and that she had no friends because of this or that, that she was a know-it-all but gets crappy grades, etc...She ended up fighting back with little tidbits that rubbed him the wrong way. SO wrong that he punched her from the back seat. When Baptiste tried to sock her again I chimed in and grabbed his fist. Baptiste about climbed into the front seat to kick Camille because she had been so demeaning, but I blocked him from crossing over as I was driving.

Didier asked how the car drive was, as he does everyday. The story was the same as it always is. "Camille and Baptiste fought." I decided to give Didier my honest opinion about the situation. Those two fight every single day and it always comes down to blows so I told Didier that the next time they're like that, that I'm just going to stop the car and make them get out and fight. Though he would never let his children physically fight with each other, he thought it was a good idea. I even talked to Céline about it and she also agreed. My little brother and I hit each other while we were growing up, but it was only if we were seriously pissed about something the other did. Our parents never stopped us and once we got it out of our system, everything was good between us once again. I feel like Camille and Baptiste just need to get it over with. Am I wrong about this? 


  1. It isn't fair that one always gets to ride in front. If you have them take turns they will have nothing to fight over. You are the boss, they can't argue with you :) Maybe also tell them they are not allowed to call each other names in the car with you.

    I fought with my sister when I was little and my mom allowed it. We often hurt each other. We still have sibling rivalry in our 30s! I promised myself if I had more than one child I would raise them to love each other.

  2. Ahh, I'm so scared to have kids of my own. There's no parenting manual and I don't want them to grow up fighting with each other. I fought with my brother growing up but we were always close. I feel like being a nanny is practice for my future progeny, but these kids don't listen to me. And, I guess rightfully so. They're not mine. I hope my kids will listen...
