Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mardi, 21 Mai 2013: Hair Catastrophe

I've been wanting to chop a bit of my hair off for awhile now. You always know when you're due for a trim when you feel your hair fighting against the brush. I don't get many split ends but when I do, it's annoying. So, today when I came home, I asked maman to cut my hair. She's got four kids so she's used to it. I found a decent pair of semi-sharp scissors and she got right to it. My hair is long and there's no layering so all she had to do was cut straight across.

After Céline nicked off 2 inches I was happy. Camille had been eyeing me the whole time and once maman finished with me, she begged her to cut hers as well. I don't understand why because she hates having short hair and her hair is already too short for her own liking. Céline agreed to cut her hair. Maman was getting ready to brush Camille's with my brush but I stopped her before she reached it. I just screamed "Maman! Les poux!" She realized that it was my brush in her hand but replied with 'Don't worry, she doesn't have lice anymore. Or at least I don't think so.' But she still lifted up Camille's hair and there we both saw in plain sight, a head infested with lice. It was so disgusting!!! Everyone always says "a head full of lice" but I've never actually seen a head full of lice, until now. I thought it was bad before but she had multiple eggs on each strand of hair and you could actually see the lice crawling on her scalp. Again, I've never seen that in my life! Maman was so grossed out that she just dropped the hair, scissors, and brush to run inside and wash her hands. She refused to touch Camille's hair after that. So Camille asked me to cut her hair. I refused because I only do minor trims--mostly on myself.

I figured the lice infestation was a good reason to cut Camille's hair--without her knowing it. The only sure way anyone has ever gotten rid of lice is to cut them out. She kept on begging me to cut her hair and so I told her to ask her mom if it was okay. Céline gave me permission so I grabbed the scissors and waited for further instructions. I asked Camille where she wanted her hair to be cut. She motioned toward the middle of her neck. I told her that it was really short and she replied with 'Not really.' I decided to show her how short her hair would be on me so that she could see where it would fall. She glanced at me and decided extremely quick that that was where she wanted her hair to be so I started cutting. I cut one section off before Léa came up and told Camille that her hair was really short. Camille didn't believe her so we took a picture to show her. 

Camille looked at the picture and immediately started crying. She turned to me with tears in her eyes and said 'But Melinda! I told you I wanted it to be here!' pointing to the middle of her neck. Léa just starts cackling and says 'That's where she cut it, you idiot.' Camille started feeling around and sure enough, where her hand sat was where her new hair fell. She starts bawling at his point and goes to her mom. Céline just told her that it was her fault because everyone refused but she begged and that I only did what she asked me to do. She stormed up to her room at this point and slammed the door.

I felt really bad because I honestly should have cut less knowing how fickle she is. I also know that she adores her "long" hair but she begged and begged. At least I cut out a ton of lice and eggs. We should have just cut the rest off but she decided to leave her it like that, keeping the rest of her precious, dirty "long" hair.  She hates having short hair because it makes her look young. Well, I'm sorry to break it to her but she's a kid. Camille tied it up in a pony-tail so that no one would notice at school. When someone saw the difference, she just said that it was all the rage in the Netherlands, ha haha. Of course no one believed her.  


  1. A head full of them. She's gotten them on and off for 8 months now...
