Friday, May 24, 2013

Vendredi, 10 Mai 2013: Mort de Rire

The triplets didn't have school today due to another national holiday. Once I got home from dropping Gregoire off at the creche the triplets and I got down on some homework. We did a bunch of english, science, and math--stuff that I actually know. As for French history, well, I let them do that on their own. 

Camille had a doctor's appointment for a severe cough so I grabbed the kids and drove to centre ville around late morning. We met maman in front of her office and she took off with Camille while Léa, Baptiste, and I went off on our own. The three of us dropped off some movies we rented and then went on a search for some Nikes for Léa. She's been drooling over a pair of blue high-tops since winter. I discouraged her from searching because she only had 60 euro. There's no way you could ever get a pair of in-season Nikes for less than 100 euro--especially in Aix-en-Provence. After visiting the 5th shop, she finally got fed up. She and Baptiste had been fighting the entire time because he knew the search was futile. 

There must've been a tour coming through Aix that day because there were a ton of Americans lined around monuments with guides. One couple accidentally bumped into Léa, apologized, and my girl answered in english! I WAS SO PROUD!!! On the way back to meet Céline and Camille we ran into a candy shop where Léa decided her money was better spent on sweets. She bought 4 bags of candy--mostly Haribo and shared it with her brother, sister, and I. I ate about 5 pieces before I felt sick. Yeah...Still not a big fan of sugar...

Maman went back to work after the doctor's visit and I took Camille, her brother, and sister to her next appointment at the orthodontist. The visit was short, just x-rays. Camille's orthodontist came to me and explained the results since maman wasn't there. In short, Camille has a wisdom tooth coming in and it's already got a cavity. MERDE!!! How does that even happen?¿? She must have really fragile teeth. Anyway, she's going to have to get that taken care of before her braces are put on. The orthodontist glanced at everyone's bags of candy and followed the conversation with 'Et pas des bon bons Camille!' The other kids were getting ready to grab her candy from her but she had already eaten it all. I'd say the bag weighed about 6 ounces. EW!!!

I told the kids that if they were good during the visits that I would take them to the lake. Since everyone behaved, I drove the four of us out to Lac de Peyrolles and told Andréa to meet us out there with Momo after work. I had made all of the kids wear their bathing suits under their clothes and made us all a huge picnic before the doctor's visits. As the kids and I were walking onto the beach I saw a couple sitting in our spot that looked like Krystle and Sebastien. It turns out that it was them! I had meant to call Krystle all morning to see if she could get a ride out there but repeatedly forgot. Luckily, Sebastien wasn't working due to the férié and they independently decided to spend their day out there. Great minds think alike ;-) She knew it was my kids on the beach as soon as she saw all of the hoops we were carrying though, ha haha.

Andréa and Momo arrived not too long after and the 8 of us were a party! The guys took the kids off to play some volleyball and soccer while Krystle and I laid out. Having all of the guys there really worked out in my favor because they were all keeping the kids super busy. There was one guy for each of the kids. It was awesome! Free babysitters ;-) Krystle says that I made the guys' day by bringing the triplets. Unlike Krystle and I who wish to remain virtually childless, all of the guys are determined to have children in the near future. The joy on their faces was so obvious, it was kind of cute. I thought at one moment that the kids were going to break Momo's back because they all climbed and jumped on him. He didn't complain once and seemed like he actually had a good time. That was so endearing!

Krystle and Sebastien left when it got a bit chilly. I decided to pack up my caravan and go home as well. Andréa and Momo took Baptiste to his soccer practice while the girls and I picked Gregoire up from daycare. When we got home, Momo and Andréa arrived at the same time with some goodies. Variety packs of ice cream! Nom!!! The five of us spent the rest of the afternoon out on the terrace eating poorly. The parents arrived home not long after the guys brought Baptiste back from soccer practice. The kids were immediately scolded because they were still eating ice cream just before dinner AND they were eating it in the living room which I had repeatedly told them not to do. I kind of just left them to get yelled at because it was their fault they didn't listen, and by they, I mean Camille and Baptiste who are repeat offenders. 

I left with Andréa and Momo for Marseille soon after. Andréa and I had been invited to a pizza party at Sophie's house. Sophie is Andréa's friend Thomas' girlfriend who I absolutely adore. Not only is she super respectful, but she's smart and funny. By the time we got to Sophie's house it had gotten cold out. We were at the gate for what seemed like forever because no one heard the buzzer. I was tempted to leave so many times because I was shivering and really didn't want to sit around for some store-bought or delivered pizza. Little did I know, Sophie's family had a pizza oven--italian style. Once I realized Sophie didn't cheat, I was content. The girl knows how to do things right! 

The guys took turns making the pizzas while the rest of us waited to eat each one. It was fun to try out each person's creation and the wait was worth it. Benjamin made what looked like vomit on pizza dough, but my gosh, it was the most delicious pizza I had ever eaten. The boy knows what he's doing! He can make me pizzas anytime :-) 

Tonight was particularly interesting for me because I felt like Andréa's lesser known friends opened up to me. He had taken off for awhile so I had a chance to chat with everyone on my own. Once the more intimate conversations expired, everyone took turns speaking to me in English. It was adorable though I almost laughed out loud when Thomas was talking to me. He really didn't form any proper sentences and I didn't understand what he was saying at all but it was cute nonetheless. When Andréa came back, Benjamin started asking me about my Asian heritage and the wars that occurred in those countries. I didn't really understand his questions even though his English was much better constructed than Thomas', but the topic was kind of a killer so we just dropped it. 

When everyone finally mellowed out, this certain guy who had been silent all night decided to speak. It wasn't one of the friends of the circle, it was Sophie's brother's friend. Oh my, this guy was LOL worthy!!! First of all, he was dressed like a Harvard grad student so when he started spouting Steve Carrell-like monologues I died from laughing. It's so difficult to explain why he was so funny...You had to have just been there! The guy spoke franglais, went off on tangents, made his voice crack, changed the pitch, tone, and volume of his voice during the same sentence, and over-dramatized stereotypical french behavior. I couldn't contain myself, I laughed so hard I cried! I knew he was doing it on purpose because of how I was reacting. When I regained my composure, he went back to his normal voice and explained that once he gets started on something, he can't stop...And that's when he went back to the theatrics, lol. I had tears pouring out of my eyes again so I went to the bathroom to clean myself up. When I got back to the table, I asked Andréa if we could go home. The entire day with the kids including the funny guy just really wore me out. As we said our goodbyes I told the comedian "Nice to meet you/Enchantée." I was really glad to have met him and I'm really glad that people like him exist in the world. We would all live much longer if we all had friends like that. 

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