Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Samedi, 16 Février 2013: The Babysitter's Club

Does anyone remember The Babysitter's Club? I feel like that was a big part of my adolescence. The books, the TV show, my own babysitter's business. 

Andréa and I headed back to Aix Saturday evening to watch Gregoire while my host parents went out for their Valentine's Day celebration. Céline and Didier are so cute together!!! They obviously make a beautiful baby but they also make the perfect couple. They're a couple that play together, constantly joking with one another and laughing together. I'm certain they'll be together forever. 

I made dinner for the boys tonight. Steak with a red wine sauce and a cream-based cold pasta salad with salmon. These were two of my favorite dishes back in the states so I got a bit nostalgic throughout the cooking process. 

I recently bought a hula hoop that specializes in fat-breakdown. Sure, you can tone up with a regular hula hoop but this health hoop with massage balls is supposed to be more effective in a shorter period of time. With all of the bread, cheese, and pasta I've been eating and all of the grossness that is now on my belly, I've decided to take action. I hula hooped painfully for an hour while the boys played. I now have bruises all over my mid-section. It's disgusting and hurts so bad, but it seems to be working rapidly! Sleeping is a bit of a problem when you're black and blue...I didn't end up sleeping much...

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