Friday, February 15, 2013

Mercredi, 13 Février 2013: The Best Host Family Ever!!!

I am so blessed that my host family found me. The kids can be pretty wild at times but they're kids. What else would you expect??? They love and respect me as their sister. That's all that matters. My host parents though...They are BEYOND wonderful!!! Not only do they also love me as one of their own but they have made sure that my experience in France is a fulfilling one!!! They've taken me on trips and shown me signature events which I am so grateful for. The best thing about my host parents though is how they feed me! Sure, it's fine and dandy if you get to eat, but my Céline and Didier go the extra mile to make sure I experience true French cuisine and every bit of it. 

This week I experienced two new dishes. The first was grilled endive. It had a very interesting bitter flavor at first but once I allowed myself to fully experience all of the sensations, it was completely savory! The second dish was duck confit. I've had duck confit before--but it was always served in strips on salads back in the states. This was an entire leg of duck and  it was absolutely delicious!!! Apparently the duck confit I was given is world-renowned, coming from Gascony where it's a specialty. 

I say it all the time...I am a blessed girl!!! Here's to more food adventures!!! [Did I mention I ate goat spleen in Marrakesh? Watch out Andrew Zimmern!!!]

Grilled endive spinkled with gruyère, served with sautéed zucchini and broccoli

Duck confit baked in its own fat, served with green and white beans

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