Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lundi, 18 Février 2013: Facebook Friends

Do you guys ever go through your Facebook friends and try to find people you can delete? I feel like I do this every week and delete but maybe one person. It's annoying having 1600 friends on FB. How do I know all of them? I guess it's a hazard of being a social butterfly and living in different states and countries. Unlike the younger generation online, I've met all of my FB friends and know them personally. That's the thing. It's difficult to gauge when it's acceptable to delete someone. You certainly can't delete someone right after you've accepted their friend request--unless they've done something unforgivable. And for me, I keep all of the people I went to high school with and all of my sorority sisters. I went through a lot with those people and we have years of memories. It's difficult to stay in contact with everyone, but with FB, I still get to be a part of their lives and they can keep up with mine. 

Besides high school classmates and sorority sisters, there are the more random connections. There are those people you've hung out with but don't chat with much. You see each other often so the FB connection is merited. Then there are those people you really don't see much in person but keep in touch with regularly, that's also a connection you want to keep. Then I've got all of those people I met in college from classes or parties that I became good friends with in that period of my life. To me, those are friends, not acquaintances. It's like you don't talk for up to a year and you have one conversation and you feel like you never left each other. You know? 

It's impossible to go from A-Z and find people to delete so I've come up with a new plan. Birthdays! If you pop up on my events feed and I don't feel comfortable saying Happy Birthday to you or don't remember how I know you, I delete you. It's been going well for the past few weeks, ha haha. Does anyone else do this?

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