Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Vendredi, 15 Février 2013: A Night of Bad Ideas

Krystle was having another get together tonight so I decided to bring all of my friends together. At the party there were my friends from class, my au pair friends, and my boyfriend. I kind of felt bad because it was mostly my people that showed up. But at least I asked. There was a new guy in our class that brought some people without permission. That's a no-no, no matter what culture you're from. This guy was also super creepy. He had this awkward habit of staring and not saying anything, but when he would speak, he would touch everyone's lower back--girls and guys included. My au pair friends left because of him. He and his friends subsequently left because there were no single girls left to flirt with. 

One of Sebastien's crazy french friends decided she really wanted to go out to a bar afterward. I was dead tired but Krystle told me that I couldn't leave her, so she, Sebastien, Andréa, and I were all driven downtown by this mystery party girl. 

We started at Manoir which was overly packed with more than your usual heap of creepers. I was so drunk, I just wanted to dance but I couldn't get more than a few wiggles out. Krystle and I were surrounded on all sides and weren't able to move so we decided to leave. On the way to the door some guy tried to hit on me--with Andréa just within earshot. I answered all of the guys stupid questions as politely as I could since I was stuck between people but when space opened up, I ran. BAD IDEA. I was moving way too fast in shoes with no tread and I was way too drunk to be weaving through people. I slipped once, caught myself, I slipped twice, caught myself, and when I hit the pavement outside I fell. The road outside was made up of smooth stone so there was no way I could avoid falling. One of my legs slipped out from under me and I landed in a somewhat graceful split. HA HAHA!!! The hoard of guys outside came to my rescue and I refused any help. The guys there are always looking for any sign of vulnerability--this is how they get laid. I assured everyone I was fine, popped right up, and saw Andréa running to my aid. I was so embarrassed but I was wasted so I didn't dwell on it too much.

We moved onto O'Neals next. The guys bought us all a huge liquor bucket which we all consumed. It's literally 3 liters of liquor and juice for 30 euro. ANOTHER BAD IDEA. I already went through my drinking phase when I was in high school so I know my limit all too well. I was 10x past that. Good thing I never black out. The girls and I went out to the dance floor and were having a decent time before every guy in there thought they'd try to get up on us. Thank goodness for Sebastien's friend because she protected me and told the guys to stay away. She was very adamant! The guys got the picture and we were able to dance undisturbed :-)

The bar finally closed down and I was so thankful because I couldn't take anymore dancing or drinking. I passed out on the way back to Marseille...

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