Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lundi, 4 Févier 2013: The Waiting Room

Baptiste (one of the triplets) had a soccer accident over the weekend and was in absolute pain. He stayed home from school with me today and I kind of babied him making sure he had a good, wholesome lunch and all. I made a vegetarian pastitsio which my boy had seconds and thirds of.

I drove to centre ville afterward to pick up maman so that we could go to the kinesiologist together. We ended up waiting for over an hour along with everyone else in the tiny waiting room. By the time we got into the office, the doctor was flirting with Céline and really just being stupid. He barely treated Baptiste. He was joking the entire time which was really annoying for me. Really??? You're going to make us wait an hour, do little to no examination, and spend the rest of the time flirting with my mom??? You've got some nerve. He told Baptiste to do some stretching exercises and called it a day. 

The plus side to French doctors is that it's less than 50 euro for all visits whether you have health insurance or not. Healthcare for everyone!!!

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