Friday, February 15, 2013

Jeudi, 14 Février 2013: PART III: My Valentine

Céline got home early tonight so I was able to leave for Marseille pretty early. But I didn't...It was pretty hectic at the house with all of the kids there so I didn't start getting ready until around 19h30. The girls helped me since I spent the last 10 minutes trying to untangle one of my favorite necklaces. That mission was fruitless and I left bare-necked in a black Marilyn Monroe style stress, black open-toed heels, and my favorite diamond studs. 

I arrived at Andréa's with my hands full. Keys in my teeth, overnight bag on my shoulder, Caramel Apple Cheesecake in one hand, while juggling a painting in the other hand--in heels no less. Andréa has had a thing for turtles stemming from childhood so I spent a good portion of my Tuesday afternoon painting him one. I don't  have any crazy artistic skills so I paint but maybe once every 5 years or so. I kind of messed up the turtle's visage so I just left it blank. I didn't want to screw it up anymore. I actually like it more that way. It gives the creature a bit of mystery. I've never given away one of my paintings before so Andréa's pretty special to me. 

I buzzed into Andréa's apartment and he greeted me at the door as he always does. I hadn't seen him for two days to build up the V-day surprise so it was kind of awkward at first. Once I kissed him though, it was all butterflies and daisies again. He was dressed in a classic white dress shirt and black slacks. I'm a sucker for the classic pieces. He also shaved his face for me--he knows I love it ;-) I pretty much melted when I saw him...He was so nervous too. That completely amplified how handsome he was to me.

I walked into the dining room to see a beautiful table he had prepared for our dinner. It was so cute!!! There were flowers and candles everywhere as well as some pretty swanky champagne and my favorite bottle of rosé. He used aluminum foil as placemats for everything. That was genius! It gave everything a crisp and modern appeal. I wonder why I hadn't come up with that idea myself...It was absolutely freakin' brilliant! I wonder if he came up with that himself...

Our dinner came in several courses. And yes, my handsome man planned and executed it all by himself. I'm so lucky to have a guy that can cook, and cook well!!! We started out with a bottle of Albert Rothschild champage, followed by a verrine as an appetizer, a salad, and an entrée. I had made dessert but we couldn't take anymore food by the end of the main courses...

From bottom to top: Smoked salmon, crème fraiche, guacamole, cocktail shrimp, and crostini sticks

Lamb lettuce, fried lardo, and breaded and fried goat cheese served with a red-wine vinaigrette

Duck breast sautéed in saké with crème fraiche for dipping, and a side of caramelized pear medallions

The caramel apple cheesecake that we haven't yet gotten to

Andréa of course got the huge painting along with a bracelet also hand-made by yours truly. My gifts didn't cost much but they certainly took time, effort, and some serious concentration. Andréa's gifts to me were more costly. He's paying for our trip to Spain so I can see Fallas in March. He got me some super hip glasses with the spanish coat of arms so I can represent :-) Andréa also gave me a beautiful bracelet that I'm absolutely in love with! I don't wear much jewelry but the jewelry I do wear is so simple. I like uncomplicated pieces with a clean look. I don't know how he knew. He even got the metal right. Maybe he really does just pay attention...

Andréa's really going to hate that I'm mentioning this but he wrote me a poem. Most of you know I'm really into romantic gestures so this was pretty much the icing on the cake. Andréa is learning English so he wrote it in English. He had a tough time rhyming so he gave me a French translation in case I didn't get the point. The translation was pretty spot on--rhyming and all. I almost died reading it! It completely touched me!!! This was the BEST Valentine's Day I've ever had!!! It was perfect!!! Is it possible to fall in love with the same person again every day? I think I do...

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