Sunday, February 3, 2013

Vendredi au Dimanche, 25-27 Janvier 2013: Apéritif Dinatoire

I forgot to mention in my last post how cute Andréa was when he picked me up from the airport. First of all, he was nice enough to drive me and the girls back even though he had to work that night. En route to Aix though, he plugged in his phone and my favorite french song started playing..."Coups et Blessures" by BB Brunes. I was getting ready to turn the volume down after the song finished but then he said "Wait!" The next thing I know, this song that I've been searching for starts playing!!! "Whisper" by Superbus. I really enjoy songs with this type of sound! It reminds me of something you'd hear from a movie like 10 Things I Hate About You. Anyway, the last time I heard this song I was gushing over it so much that Andréa tried to Shazaam it, to no avail...But he later succeeded!!! I'm so surprised he remembered the song after only hearing it once. He's officially the most thoughtful boyfriend ever!!!

I had spent the last 4 days in paradise. That all changed as soon as I got home. Céline was in Paris for work so it was just Didier with the kids all week. When I got back the house was a mess!!! As tired as I was, I couldn't leave it in that state so I spent the better part of my night cleaning days upon days worth of filth. In retrospect, it wasn't that bad...But I was so jet-lagged...It seemed like it would never end.

This weekend was exhausting overall. Since Antoine's band doesn't have a good practice space Didier allowed him to invite all of the members over to practice in Aix...for the weekend!!! Luckily the singer had a tennis tournament so instead of having to watch 9 kids I only had 8...*eye roll* The older 3 kids were well-behaved, but they were constantly practicing so there was always an excess of noise. I wasn't able to sleep in even though it was the weekend. It was impossible! Also, imagine having to constantly pick up after 8 children. It's ridiculous no matter how 'clean' they are. I really wasn't obligated to, but I washed hundreds of dishes in just three days. I thought my fingertips were going to be permanently wrinkled!!!

Céline returned from her business trip on Saturday. I only had 1.5 days with the 8 kids and I was already sick of it! I texted her Saturday morning and asked if I could go spend the night with Andréa. Lucky for me she said "Oui! Bien sûr!" Céline is way too cool!!! She knows how much I love Andréa and lets me be with him every moment that I can.

I let Andréa in on the good news and as I was getting ready to leave he texted me and said that he was preparing an "apéritif dinatoire." I told him that I didn't know what that was "but thanks anyway." I assumed I would love it no matter what it was and I assumed food and/or drink was involved and those elements always make me happy.

When I arrived, Andréa came outside to help me find a parking space. As we were walking in he said "Tout le monde est là" meaning 'everyone is here.' Sure enough, when we walked in, all of his friends were there--the ones that I had already met and those that I hadn't. The only thing I was thinking was "Good thing I made myself presentable before I left." I had planned on a quiet night with Andréa but I threw on some make-up and dressed up while I was waiting for maman to get home. He knew I had been busy with the kids so he threw this get-together to cheer me up. Though I was completely spent, I was still thankful. Andréa is so thoughtful! I honestly enjoyed myself even though I didn't know 70% of the people there. Those of you that know me, know that I love strangers. But I still wished I could have had a night alone with him. I really wish I would have looked up "apértif dinatoire" earlier...Translation? Cocktail party. If I had known, I would have politely declined and slept at Kami's instead. That's how tired I was.

I got kind of irritated after awhile because Andréa wouldn't chill. He was the host so of course he had to make sure everyone was okay. I felt like he basically left me to fend for myself though. I normally fare well but I just had zero energy within. I followed him around the apartment waiting for attention until I lost the motivation. Every time I would sit by his friend Damien, he would get up and move elsewhere. He's supposedly shy. Fine. And I know I'm intimidating, but I'm not THAT intimidating. Damien made me feel super uncomfortable so I just stayed put until Benjamin came along. Benjamin is so awesome! He's a super fun guy and super social. He made me laugh, a lot! I would speak in french and he would speak to me in english. It was perfect! I'm so happy that he was there to keep me company. Otherwise, I would've been sad.

Andréa, Manon, and Flora made a ton of food for everyone. Good, wholesome, french appetizers. I was more content the more I ate, but I also got more tired at the same time. I was finally okay with Andréa not being at my side until he grabbed a cigarette and began to walk outside...

Let us backtrack a bit...The last time we went out to a bar with all of his friends he was given a cigarette as we were leaving. I ABSOLUTELY DETEST tobacco smokers and I've dumped boyfriends or refused to date guys because it's just a habit that I'm unable to live with. It's gross. It tastes bad when you kiss them. Their clothes smell. Their teeth and breath are disgusting. And I just cannot deal with it. I knew that Andréa wasn't a smoker (not habitual anyway) so I just watched him as he took drags of the cig. I thought it was too late to mention that I didn't like smokers so I didn't say anything. It did bother me though, a lot! But instead of continuing to allow myself to get mad about it, I just grabbed the cigarette out of his hand and puffed on it heavily so that it would be finished quicker. Okay. End of that story.

Back to the party. So, Andréa grabs a cigarette and is on his way to the balcony, he takes a look back at me, and I just glare at him wide-eyed...He says "What?" with the cancer stick waving about and I just roll my eyes, growl, and rush to his room before I say something super bitchy. I get online to talk to my friend Kami because her phone isn't working. In the midst of this, Manon comes into the room and asks what's up. I tell her about how it's impossible for me to date smokers and how I'm dead-tired from taking care of the kids all day long and not being able to sleep, etc. She tried to comfort me, telling me that Andréa only smokes socially. That actually annoyed me more because it's a choice then, not an addiction. I couldn't be mad at him for not knowing that I didn't like it though so I went back out and I tried to get over myself. I had re-composed myself but then Andréa was upset that I was upset. He was mad that I was being a hypocrite because I had smoked with him at Glam Rock, but he didn't know the whole story...

I tried to kiss the fussiness out of him and it half-way worked. He finally sat down, stopped sulking, and gave me the attention I was waiting for all night. By this time, I was running on empty--fumes, if you will. Everyone was hanging out on the couches and watching TV. I was so comfortable that I started to fall asleep. And that's when I called it a night. As soon as I got in his bed, I passed out. I don't think I even bothered to change my clothes which is especially abnormal for me. Did I mention I was tired yet??? ;-)

I woke up well-rested the next morning. I apologized for being a brat and he of course forgave me. I had Andréa take me home in the afternoon and wow, did I regret it!!! I could hear the music blaring from the house even before we pulled up. The kids are talented for sure. Don't get me wrong! But you can only hear "Eye of the Tiger" so many times before you get sick of it. On top of that, the sinks were piled past the faucet with dishes. They had even used paper plates for one of the meals. You would never have known with that mess. When Céline woke up from her nap I could see the exhaustion on her face. I probably looked twice as worse the previous day. Soon after I arrived though, Didier took Antoine, Nicolas, and the 2 band mates back to Avignon. I love Antoine and Nicolas, LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!! BUT...I could NOT handle another moment of that madness. Sure, 4 kids were gone. But I had 4 left...Luckily, they were just as worn out as the rest of us and remained calm for the rest of the night. I know, right? 10 year olds? A 3 year old? Calm??? Is there such a thing??? Ha haha. Sometimes, the odds really can be in your favor.

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