Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Mercredi, 3 Avril 2013: PART II: Simba

As soon as I published the last blog post I got a letter in the mail. It was from the woman who I procured to take care of my giant flemish rabbit Simba. Michelle lives on a farm with tons of animals and 11 children--some of which are adopted, so I figured this would be a nice, loving family to let him stay with while I was in France for the year. Well, the letter reads this:

Dear Melinda,
Hi! I hope that this letter gets to you. 
And I hope that you are doing good and having 
a good time over there.

I do not have the internet at my home
anymore. The only internet I have is on my
phone and it is not good so I really can't
see anything on it. So I can't do facebook.

Well, I am writing to let you know that
Simba got sick and that I don't know how or
why and that I took him to the vet because
of it because I did not know what to do
for him and my oldest son Wesley paid to
make sure that he was taken care of.

The vet said that he got some kind of
flu/cold or something like that. With
small animals it's hard to tell. He had
a fever and did not want to eat and
just did not want to play so I did
what the vet said. They gave me meds
and I fed him baby food by hand to make
sure he was eating.

I tried to call you and something was
going on with your phone at the time. 
I have all of the vet papers if you want
to see them.

After a week of doing everything I could
and going back to the vet and a lot of
crying on my part, the vet said that he
was not getting better, that I did everything
that they told me to do.

I am so, so sorry. I did everything
I could and I have never had anything
like this happen before.

I am not sure if it was going outside
with the duck and kids too much
but he only went out when it was warm
and when we were all out there with
him and he loved that. I just don't
know what to say but to say I am so, so sorry.

I really hope you will understand
that we took care of him like he
was part of our family and he was loved. 
And it was very hard to see him sick.
And I am sorry that he died but the vet
did everything they could.

I am so sorry.

- Michelle

Well...great. My favorite pet. LITERALLY, my baby, has died. I probably should have brought him to France with me like I had planned but I thought he would've been happier with all of those kids and animals. I met everyone. Everyone was great and I could feel that they were all filled with a lot of love. We did a week-long trial period where I left Simba with the family and he seemed super happy. This isn't the first time I've had a rabbit die, and with them, it's normally out of no where so I'm sure it was nothing the family did. I don't hold them responsible at all because I know they really loved him. It really sucks though. Welcome to my worst fucking week of the year.