Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mardi, 9 Avril 2013: A Day in Le Tholonet

I went straight to Krystle's apartment after I dropped Gregoire off today. She was trying to help me find some clothes for my shoot later on. We found a few things and headed back to my house so I could shower. I talked her into coming with me because the last time I did a mass shoot with a group of photographers and models, this photographer in particular was attached at my side. I was nervous.

We met up with the photographer at a grocery store and he led us out to Le Tholonet. I had visited this park before with Andréa but I'd never seen this part before. This area was full of red clay. It wasn't what I had imagined when he proposed the ideas for the shoot but it was too late to go back and find new outfits now. We shot for a good three hours. Krystle styled me and did my make-up. She even helped the photographer out a bit when he lost his sense of direction. All in all, it was a good shoot even though the photographer was a bit unprofessional at times. He carried me up and down the clay hills while I was in a short dress. Awkward. It was still a million times much better than the studio shoot I was a part of last month.

By 15h00, Krystle and I headed to centre ville to pick up Céline's mom who I lovingly call "Bonne Maman." I always love when she's here. She always helps with the housework and always backs me up when disciplining or setting rules for the children. Not that my host parents don't reinforce my ideas, but Bonne Maman is just much more strict and persistent. I like it!

When my host mom got home tonight, I headed back over to Krystle's so we could have dinner together. Her boyfriend Sebastien works two jobs to provide for them both so he's often gone until the early hours of the morning. Tonight, Krystle made me the most delicious, unworldly meal...This type of flavor explosion has never before graced my taste buds. It was salmon steaks covered in herbed cream cheese and wrapped in raw pastry dough. The cakes were brushed with egg yolk and baked to perfection. I died and went to Heaven! I can't wait to make this for Andréa! Though, he never likes my food ;-)

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