Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lundi, 8 Avril 2013: The Fight Against Cancer

The only person in our bloodline who has gotten cancer is my dad's sister. As far as diseases go, our family is generally untouched but that doesn't mean I don't worry. I think it's important to practice cancer prevention everyday. Honestly, everyone in this world gets cancer everyday, we just don't know it, and our body normally corrects itself before we even find out it ever existed. A lot of people aren't that lucky. 

Since I've been living in France and getting to know my host family's extended families and friends, I've calculated that about a quarter of their family members have been afflicted with one or more cancers. I can't ever imagine losing anyone to cancer or getting it myself. I knew a kid once, Johnny, who was Laotian like me. He died of cancer when he was 8 years old. He had Leukemia during a time when treatment was pretty limited. I remember his parents after he died. They were absolutely destroyed. He was their only child until his brother was born many years later. 

My friend Molly posted something on her FB a few weeks ago about a tea I had been drinking pretty much my whole life, Kombucha. It wasn't until I read her post that I found out Kombucha has cancer prevention and treatment properties. Apparently, some researchers studied cancer rates in slavic countries and found that cancer was pretty much non-existant in areas where people consumed Kombucha regularly--mainly Russia.

A few weeks before that, I discovered another cancer killer, Soursop fruit. I had been on StumbleUpon and stumbled upon a page about the fruit. There's no definitive research but the word on the street is that Soursop kills cancer 10,000 times more efficiently than chemotherapy. The only disadvantage is that if the fruit is over-consumed, you can develop neurological problems similar to Parkinson's disease due to the high annonacin content. I became extremely curious though and Googled forums about the Soursop fruit. Inhabitants of the areas where the fruit is most prominent claim to eat Soursop often and have never experienced mal-effects. 

I kind of feel like the cosmos was trying to tell me something by bringing these two cancer fighting agents to my attention. It might be possible that I will get cancer in the future or maybe someone I really care about will get it. Whatever the reason, I ordered a Kombucha mother off of eBay and started brewing my first batch of tea last weekend. I've been checking the batch everyday and it seems to be doing well. It's been five days and the baby mushroom has already formed. I normally just buy it in the states but this way is so much cheaper, besides, I'll get to make it to my liking. I'll of course share it with all of my friends, host family, and extended host family. Cancer seems to be a pretty big problem in France so I would of course do anything to help. The Kombucha should be ready to drink in about a week or so but I'll be on vacation with my host family so this first batch will get some extra time to ferment. The next time I go out to the open air markets I'll  look for the Soursop. Fruits and vegetables come in great variety here in the south of France so I'm sure I won't have any trouble finding it. I've seen enough pictures of the fruit to recognize it in person, but I looked up the french name just to be sure. It's called Corossol in French in case anyone here is interested. 

Á votre santé!

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