Thursday, April 11, 2013

Dimanche, 7 Avril 2013: Spring Has Arrived!!!

Céline's sister Lucille, her husband JP, and three kids--Axel, Clémence, and Jean-Pierre visited today. The 13 of us all pitched in for a spring barbeque lunch. Didier grilled three types of sausages in the fire pit which we got to use for the first time since we moved into the house. There was mergeuze, a duck intestine sausage, and a classic pork sausage. Nom nom nom!!! It was so warm today with the perfect breeze! 

The plethora of sausages cooking over the fire

Being a nanny when the weather is nice is so easy. 
There are no walls for noise to echo off of,
and no messes to clean up.
AND, you get to watch the kids from the house.

Our aperitif--which was given to me last weekend. Super yummy!!!
And perfect for this warm day!!!

Lunch outdoors with my host family,
and my extended host family.
I love them so much!!!
I really feel like I belong here :-)

Right after we finished up lunch an old friend texted me, Mathieu. We had met when I first moved to France but I hadn't heard from him in months. He's one of those friends that talks to you when he feels like it. He lives in neighboring Gardanne and got bored lounging around all weekend so he proposed a hiking excursion. The relatives were getting ready to leave and everyone else was getting ready for a nap so I decided to go with him. We decided not to go far and hiked up Mont St. Victoire. Mathieu isn't really the hiking type--actually, he's not really the outdoorsy type at all, so we only made it halfway up the mountain before he called it quits. When we stopped for a break, he pulled out a picnic. I, of course, had already had a big lunch with my family so the poor guy basically ate by himself, ha haha. 

When I got home tonight I Skyped with some of my friends and caught up on my blog reading. Through that, I found out that one of my best friends from college is pregnant!!! Caitlin, my roommate married Vince, my other roommate at the end of our senior year of college. The three of us along with Meagon lived together for 3 whole years in a house we lovingly called The Burrow. The four of us were one big, happy family :-) Meagon and I were in Caitlin and Vince's wedding. We were also there for every disagreement and happy moment that they had so it makes me so incredibly happy to know that two people I love so much are going to bring a little human being in this world with an endless amount of love and wisdom!!! I can't wait to see how cute Caitsies is going to be while pregnant and I can't wait to meet the little bug!!! After the week I've had, I'm so happy to finally get some great news!!! 

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