Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dimanche, 31 Mars 2013: A Day of Recovery

When I woke up this morning I thought I was dying. This is the worst hangover I've ever had! But I say that everytime. It was probably because I mixed too many types of alcohol...That's always the issue and I don't know why I think I can always get away with it.

I woke up when I heard people talking downstairs so I tried to get up. I really struggled though. It took me about 10 minutes to muster the effort to keep down the upchuck and by then the first wind of guests had already left. I finally made it downstairs though and that's when I saw that there were still a ton of people sleeping in the living room, so I went back to bed. By 9h30, I heard another group of people quietly rambling. I came out of my room and Krystle was standing in the hallway talking to Sebastien who was at the bottom of the stairs. As Krystle and I both descended together, Dana came out of the downstairs salon. The three of them left for Port Camargue a few minutes later.

By noon, Liezl headed home and I had to fight the urge to vomit to drive Kai to the bus station. I'm so happy that I introduced these two! I had met them both around the same time and they both told me that they wanted to meet more people. They're about the same age and seemed compatible so I've been planning for awhile and telling them about each other without giving away too much. They spent the entire night talking and had stars in their eyes when they left this morning. I love seeing my friends happy :-) It's one of the few simple joys of life.

When I got back to the house, Andréa was still asleep. The mixing of alcohol didn't serve him too well either. Last night as I was getting sick, he was too :-( There wasn't much to clean up from the party but I knew that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep if I tried, so I cleaned. It took me about 30 minutes to take out the trash and bring all of the bottles to the recycling unit down the street. I was still nauseated though so I convinced myself to wipe down the 24 person table in the dining room, sweep, and mop the floors. None of which really needed attention due to the respectful behavior of all of the guests. 

Since the house was spic and span, there wasn't really much else to do. I was starting to feel better. Instead of a full-on hangover, I just had a headache. I decided I'd attempt to make a lunch that would bring Andréa and I back to 100%. It's been about two years since my last physiology course so I had to do a bit of research on electrolytes before I started preparations. Through my online research, I was reminded that citrus fruits, yogurt, salt, and of course water are the best ways to replenish your body of electrolytes when you can't find such items as Gatorade or Pedialyte. I decided to make eggs and quenelles to soak up all of the toxins in our bodies. I read it in a book once that the best way to recover from a hangover is to poop. Sorry to be gross, but it's true. After spending the entire night puking up all of the food in your belly, there's no other way for the toxins in your body to exit besides peeing. And peeing isn't enough. So, I put food in our stomachs. We had plain yogurt and grapefruit with salt/sugar for dessert. It wasn't easy eating any of it but I felt a lot better afterward. 

Andréa and I spent the rest of the day lounging around, recovering. It wasn't our usual ho-hum Sunday, but we were sick so we weren't feeling like ourselves. We kind of tried to keep our Sunday ritual by at least watching a movie, Mama. This is a movie by Guillermo del Toro so I figured it couldn't suck. The film was good until I saw the villain. She looked completely unrealistic to me so I was disappointed. The story line was pretty good though so not all was lost. 

The parents and Gregoire came home as we were finishing the movie. They seemed pretty exhausted but they started planting in the garden as it was such a beautiful day. The triplets were still at their dad's house for another day so it was just the three of them for the evening. Andréa said something about needing to get back to Marseille to see his family for Easter so I told him to go. He asked what I planned to do and I told him that I wanted to stay at home. I wasn't in any condition to see anyone. He decided that since I wasn't going that he wasn't going. I felt bad because it was Easter and it's a family day but it was his decision and I wasn't in the mood to argue it. 

At some point Andréa decided he wanted to go back to Marseille and I was still set on staying in Meyreuil to finish recovering. I told him to go see his family for Easter but he said that it was too late, and again, I didn't feel like fighting him on that. I told him that if he felt like leaving that he could without any hard feelings. His next question involved what I was going to do tomorrow while all of France had the day off. I told him I could relax. Then he asked how we were going to see each other if he left. I decided to tell him that one day without each other isn't a big deal. Though I felt like I had made myself clear, he convinced me to leave with him so that he could take care of me. 

When we got back to Marseille we watched Young Adult which was pretty awful, and Just Go With It which was one of the best comedies I've seen in awhile. How could I have been surprised? Adam Sandler never disappoints! I recently started playing a logo guessing game on my smartphone that Andréa completely fell in love with and subsequently downloaded on his Iphone. He was playing the game in bed as I passed out tonight. When I woke up to an itch on my nose in the middle of the night, Andréa was asleep. The itch on my nose wasn't the last thing to disturb my sleep though. My hair had come untied as I was sleeping and kept on falling on my face so I repetitively swept it away. Finally, and probably as a result of my consistent moving, came the most obnoxious knocking sound from the bed. Even as I'd lie completely still, it would continue. This annoyed me so much that I went out to the living room and fell asleep on the futon. 

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