Saturday, April 20, 2013

Mardi, 16 Avril 2013: K.I.D.S.

I went on my run this morning. This time, I went alone, and I delved deeper into the village. I found an alley called Impasse d'Americain. I wonder if Americans were stationed there in war days. I met a young guy in the village today. He saw me running and came out to ask where I was staying since he had never seen me before. I think his name was Gaël, but I'm not sure I understood him really. He was super cool and invited me in for tea. He kind of had a strong accent though and it was way too early for me to be working cognitively. Instead of trying to struggle to understand him and asking him to repeat himself a million times, I decided to politely decline and made my way back home.

I knew that Bonne Maman wanted the leaves at the bottom of the drive to be raked and I was randomly feeling frustrated so I spent the next two hours getting down on some work. I had my music blasting in my ear and I was singing out-loud as a stranger approached me. This older fellow asked me if I knew where the wine-maker lived. Luckily, I had passed the winery the day before so I knew exactly where to tell him to go. I was reminded that I was not alone though so I stopped singing out loud. Then I got into another groove and started belting it out again. Hard labor and singing your heart out--two GREAT de-stressors, until you find a line of people chanting you on.

The kids kind of got on my nerves today. And by kids, I mean the triplets. Camille took a crap in the bidet because she was afraid to go to the bathroom by herself. Luckily, maman made her clean that up on her own. Thank the Lord, she never asks me to clean up puke or poop. I clean Greg's out of sheer love. After lunch though, the kids were told by the adults to rinse their dishes and put them in the dishwasher. Easy, right? No. I walk into the kitchen and the three of them are sitting at the table, gawking at the TV, playing on their phones, with the dishes just sitting there in front of them. I asked them once to please rinse the dishes and put them away. Léa immediately gets up and starts rinsing hers off while Camille and Baptiste try to run out of the door. I halt them before they make it all the way out and ask them what they're doing. They replied with 'we're going to play ping-pong.' This is when I absolutely bitch them out because the two of them had already half-assed what they were told to do earlier. Camille kept on taking food out of the fridge, eating a portion of it, and leaving it all over the kitchen for other people to clean up. I had asked Baptiste to help me move a huge, but plastic table before lunch and he threw a fit saying that it was pointless and too much work. I let them get away with stuff all the time but this is my vacation too so I ripped the two of them two new assholes. I told them that they were lazy and that if they can't help out with simple tasks then they can stop asking me for favors because they don't earn them.

The parents and Bonne Maman heard me yelling from outside and immediately came to my rescue. The three of them had my back and gave Camille and Baptiste a piece of their mind. These kids should honestly know better. I always ask nicely (the first and second time), and that's when they should get on it. But they wait until I have to repeat myself a third or fourth time, get pissed off, and then one or all of the adults comes to yell at them. They could really avoid being yelled at altogether if they just did what they were told. It's not like anything they're asked to do is the least bit difficult. They're honestly just lazy, and by they, I really just mean Camille and Baptiste. Oy vey...I really don't ever want to have kids. I don't care if it's a right of passage. It's too much work! I think I'll just stick with babysitting every once in awhile...

This is what happens when you let your kids watch trashy, reality TV.
If I ever have kids, they'll have two choices: Discovery or History channels

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