Saturday, July 13, 2013

Vendredi, 5 Juillet 2013: Mom Duty

Maman was very specific with her instructions via text this morning: Wake Baptiste up early so he can pack a bag for vacation, ask Léa to water the garden, make Camille put in her retainer, fix the kids breakfast, pack Gregoire a weekend back with all of the necessities (bottle, stuffed animal, diapers), grab all of the vaccinations in the fridge and take the triplets and Greg to Dr. Rousselot at 11h30. I tried waking the kids up at 9h00. That didn't work out so well. They all woke up about 40 minutes before the doctor's appointment to me screaming at them to hustle! I got all of my stuff done including packing for myself while I was waiting for everyone to get up. Somehow, everyone got everything they needed done in the 40 minutes allotted. We showed up to the doctor's office on time and we were even presentable!

The triplets and Gregoire had to see the doctor today for physical exams, eye exams, and vaccinations today. Maman wasn't able to leave work until 12h30 so it was just me with the kids until then. When we walked in, the receptionist gave me the parent questionnaire. Somehow, I was able to answer all of the questions correctly. I guess I know this family better than I thought. Camille was the first one in to see the doctor, followed by Léa, then Baptiste, and finally Greg. I had to deal with the girls not being comfortable undressing, Baptiste being ADD as always, and Gregoire refusing the exams.

I held each kid's hand as they were getting their vaccinations. It was weird because I normally don't fuss over stuff like that, but this time, it worried me that they were scared. Nothing scares me so I never really understand, but I love these kids, and their fear made me concerned about their mental well-being. It's awkward not being indifferent,'s. just. not. ME. I was raised to believe that fears are necessary and that if you're scared, it's for a good reason but that the experience will only make you stronger. My parents always taught me that fears pass but that the experiences that result will make you grow.

None of the triplets cried during their vaccinations though I could tell they wanted to. I'm always telling them though, 'If you're not bleeding and if nothing's broken, then it's pointless to cry.' They've really tried to toughen up since I've been their nanny. I think it'll serve them well in the future, their experiences with me.

Each of the kids were taken in individually into the doctor's office so not a single kid was able to see what would happen before they went through it. When it came time to give Greg his eye exam, he refused to put on the non-prescription glasses with one lens blocked out. Instead of forcing him to put on the glasses, we played a game where I covered each eye and he would guess the figures on the board. It worked like a charm!

It's strange. I've never really thought about what life would be like with my own not-yet-existant kids, but I think I would make a half-decent mom! I can already cook, clean, and organize. I just need to be more patient...

1 comment:

  1. You can always try out your mom duties as auntie Mel to my son ;) haha
