Saturday, July 13, 2013

Mercredi, 3 Juillet 2013: PART II: Accomplished

Yesterday was Léa and Baptiste's last day at Jean d'Arc while today is Camille's last day at Sacre Coeur. Since school's out for the summer, I'm due to be more busy with the kids. Today, a friend of Baptiste picked him up for an overnight while I had to take Léa to an all-day summer-fest. To find Léa's pool party, I had to use Google Maps and my best judgement to find this house in a part of Aix I've never even visited. Surprisingly after very few mistakes I found the home! Not only were we on time, but we took roads I didn't even know existed in a part of town where nothing was marked. I have no clue how I did it but I felt extremely accomplished! 

After I dropped Léa off, I went back to town to volunteer at Camille's kermesse. It's an end of year carnival they have at grade schools. I was supposed to manage one of the stands but since no one gave me any instructions or welcomed my help, I left and went home to Gregoire who was still plagued with the chicken pox. I was warned by my French professors and French adult friends not to expect a welcome committee at the kids' schools, so I wasn't surprised. They're not friendly with outsiders, especially non-parents. It's kind of like a closed clique, but I don't care either way. We found out later on that the event planner wrote Céline an e-mail saying that they only accept parent volunteers. Though I was a bit hurt at first, it was honestly a blessing in disguise because believe it or not, I prefer to spend my day doing things I like doing. Ha haha. 

As 16h30 rolled around, Gregoire, Nicolas, and I went back to Sacre Coeur to pick Camille up on her last day of school. I drove the four of us to the other side of town to pick Léa up on the way home. As we waited for Léa to get her things together, the kids and I were able to visit the house for a bit and enjoy the pool and food. The house was absolutely beautiful with a view of the famous Mont St. Victoire on one side and lavender fields on the other. The grand home had a lot of rooms for extracurricular activities so it was perfect for kids and big kids alike ;-) 

When we all got back to the house, I decided to keep my productive day going and wash my car for the first time since Céline and Didier gave me the keys. I was so motivated that I washed Céline's old Fiat for fun. This is a car she had back when she was my age so it's pretty precious...and ancient, ha haha.

Everyone's officially on vacation as of 18h00 tonight so it was a full house! This is the last time that I'll have all of the kids together in one place. This last week with my kids will be so bittersweet. As an homage to our first meeting, the entire family and I arm wrestled after dinner. Videos to be added later!

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