Monday, July 1, 2013

Mercredi, 26 Juin 2013: In Need of Obedience Class

Gregoire hung out at the house with me instead of going to the creche. He was allowed back with the chicken pox but I decided to keep him under quarantine just in case. Céline dropped the triplets off at school on her way to work. I was surprised to get a call from her so soon. She normally doesn't call or text me until the afternoon. Shockingly enough, she had gotten a call from Gendarmarie who had found Google roaming their yard. I immediately grabbed Gregoire who was pant-less and shoe-less, attached him to the car seat, and took off toward the military police station where the dog was last seen. It's so strange that she got out because the gate was firmly closed. On my way to the Gendarmarie, Céline called me to let me know that Google took off again. Lo and behold, I found her walking through traffic! I completely freaked out! I screamed her name, parked my car on the median, and grabbed her! She was already being pursued by the tabac owner and a neighbor who recognized her. She could've been hit, weaving through traffic like that. I was pissed! 

When we got back to the house, I made sure the gate was completely latched before letting Google out of the car. I went to the garage, looked for anything resembling a rope, and settled on a power cord. I attached the cord to a tree and Google--using bowline knots on both ends. I had learned a lot of knots while rock climbing and knew that these were less likely to slip.

I decided that today would be a good day to give Google a bath. She hadn't had one since about November and she smelled something awful! Unfortunately, the outdoor water supply had been shut off by the neighbor so I used the old bucket method. Once Google was sun-dried, I brushed her and cut out all of her matted hair. She looks pretty strange right now because the matted hair was in patches, but if you don't cut it out, the dog's skin can be pulled up into the tangles and cause her pain. If not cared for in a timely fashion, the skin under the matted hair can become necrotic. In some parts of the U.S., you can be fined for your dog having severely matted hair as it's a sign of neglect. I remember an episode of Animal Cops where insects had laid eggs under a dog's matted hair. It was so sad!

Not a happy camper...

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