Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jeudi, 4 Juillet 2013: Le Tour de France

Today is my day! The Tour is the ONE reason why I decided back in November that I would stay in France until the end of July! And today on America's day of Independence, the Tour de France is passing through my city! I'm not a cyclist but seeing the Tour de France with my own eyes has always been on my bucket list! And I just happen to be living in France for the 100th Tour event!

Though the kids had originally decided to stay home and avoid all of the excitement, they ended up coming with me. Antoine left with Didier and Google to make it to the vacation house a day early, Baptiste was still at his friend's house, and I dropped Gregoire off at the creche in the morning so I only had Camille, Léa, and Nicolas to keep track of in centre ville. The four of us got breakfast at an organic restaurant and did some shopping before the crowds started building. We showed up pretty early.

Around 11h30, the grand caravan came around and tossed free stuff out to the crowds--much like American parades. The bounty was grand as my kids were vicious! They fought children and adults alike for the prizes!

About an hour after the caravan, the race started. I planted myself right in front of the Rotunde--Aix's most prominent landmark. As everyone was waiting for the race to start, I met a lot of cool people. English-speakers always find each other, whether accidentally or purposefully. It's so amazing how an event like this can bring together so many different cultures. As for the race itself, it went by too fast! I was only able to get 3 pictures and they aren't even good! But at least now I can say that I experienced Le Tour de France first hand!

The cyclists are coming!

The only picture I have of them in front of me! Even with the blast setting. It was that fast!!!

...And then they're gone! Those are the guys keeping up the tail end.

 Front and center!

Me with the girls and my Tour de France gear ;-)

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