Friday, December 21, 2012

Samedi au Dimanche, 15-16 Decembre 2012: Shootings--In More Ways Than One

News of the Connecticut shooting crashed into everyone's lives the moment it happened. We were all overwhelmed with sadness, even my host parents. I was visibly upset with tears in my eyes. No circumstance will ever make the loss of innocent lives okay. I'm getting tired of reading all of these Facebook status updates about gun control. I happen to love shooting guns and I'm happy for the right to bear arms. But since everyone is demanding opinions, I believe that people who opt to buy firepower should have to go through psychological evaluation. I know that the Lanza kid took his mother's guns but she could've taken extra precaution to lock them up. Okay, that's really all I have to say. Everyone has their own opinion, and we will probably never fully agree on this issue. You have to remember that though guns were made to kill, people are actually the ones to commit the crime. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. It's a lack of respect for human life and the ability to get over stupid shit. The same day, a man in China stabbed 22 school children in a mad rampage. See what I mean?

I finished my somber weekend with a Christmas themed photo shoot. In France, shoots are called "les shootings." I wasn't able to find a holiday costume I liked so I came in a dress and my classic red, wool coat. When I was asked by the director of the shoot why I didn't come in a costume, I was honest and said I didn't want to look like a prostitute. Though I didn't dress like an elf or Mrs. Claus, my pictures came out pretty well, even festive and very in for the season. Check it out.

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