Friday, December 21, 2012

Mardi, 18 Decembre 2012: My Super Packed Day

I started my day out with dropping Gregoire off at the creche. I left immediately afterward for Marseille where I had another Christmas shoot with Steph and Ludovic at Steph's studio. I ended up getting lost in Marseille for about an hour because the street signs are so darn small. The guys came to rescue me and we shot for about 3 hours before I had to leave.

I had planned on meeting Andréa for a coffee in Marseille but I didn't have time after the shoot due to a doctor's appointment. Andréa is a photographer I had met at Sunday's shoot. He's 23, handsome, and shy. If you know me at all, you know I love shy guys. Aggressive guys just turn me off. I haven't known this guy long but I like him a lot. He's the first french guy I've been interested in since I've been here. But it's more than that. I feel butterflies...Like I said before, we met at the shoot on Sunday. He was one of the photographers and he's so damn good at it. He made me look amazing...Anyway, we were talking about the photos Sunday night and the more we spoke, the more interested I grew. The feeling was obviously mutual with things that were being said and we've been 'talking' ever since.

Since I didn't have time to meet up with Andréa in Marseille, he offered to come with me to my appointment in Aubagne just to see me for a minute. I ended up getting lost there too so it was good that I had him there to help me. We killed two birds with one stone. He waited patiently in the waiting room while I was being treated for my sore wrist.

I had gotten zero hours of sleep the previous night due to extreme pain in my right wrist. The pain wasn't caused by a fall or anything so I was worried. Serge is a friend of Didier's who is a chiropractor. Serge took a few minutes with my wrist, checking out my reflex arc. But then he ended up cracking my entire body including my neck. I thought it was odd that I came in for my wrist and he treated my entire body but when he explained it all, it made sense. Through his examination, Serge concluded that circulation in the lower half of my body is weak and that my wrist problem was stemming from something much deeper in a different part of my body. He told me things about my own body that I've never told anyone else, things that you can't generalize or make up. It's amazing! He also told me that though I'm a small person, I have belly fat because of my circulation issue. I've always wondered why I couldn't get abs no matter how hard I worked out! What a strange and amazing discovery! He says that with his treatment plan, that fat will melt right off. His recommendation is that I come back every 3 weeks. I'm a bit skeptical yes, but I'm open-minded so we will test this form of medicine and I will keep you all up to date!

After the appointment, Andréa and I  took a drive around town to search for a café since I had over an hour to kill. I got to know a lot more about him and his personality during this time. I was feeling sick though because Serge had massaged my stomach and his treatment had released a lot of toxins in my body. Before you knew it, my time was up and I had to go back to Aix to pick up Gregoire. We passed each other kisses on the cheek and went our separate ways. Agh, I'm about to be smitten...I know it! You can't fake chemistry and you can't turn it off either. I hope that things will work out for us.

I picked Gregoire up from the creche right on time and headed back home, missing Léa's play. Céline suggested that I stay home since I wasn't feeling too well. And I will admit, it was a struggle for me to just sit still in the car and not puke. Mama knows best!

I went out that night with Sandra and her step-daughter who is just 4 years younger than us. Steph and Ludo invited me to Le Mistral where they were supposed to shoot that night and I invited the girls. Le Mistral is one of the better clubs in Aix. We all started out with a drink at an irish pub on the Cours Mirabeau before heading to the club. Strange though, the photographers were let in while the rest of us were left out. The bouncer said that entrance was by reservation only because it was a private party. Obviously this was bull so Sandra talked to another bouncer while none of us were around. He said that he couldn't let us in because the guy that was with us wasn't dressed properly, so she got rid of him but then we still couldn't get in. This was the first time I'd been turned down for any club but I could care less about being let in. It was packed and I like to be able to dance without being squished up against a bunch of idiots. I've been so spoiled in every city though, knowing the people that I know. My mild annoyance wasn't anything compared to everyone else's. They were all furious! Including the photogs so we left for bar street together. I honestly think that we weren't let in because Sandra turned down a guy who was hitting on her earlier. He was telling us he could get us into Le Mistral and we kind of just ignored him because he looked like a 12 year old dork. Well, he was let right into the club while we were left out on the cold street. That certainly taught me something. Ha haha.

We ended up at Manosque, one of the dance clubs on Rue de la Verrerie. Sandra and I were having a good time on the dance floor until I got hoarded by some guys. Sandra is obviously hotter than me and I was covered from head to toe with no special make-up on but the guys were seriously all over me and no one else. I was grabbed by three of them including this creepy little soccer player. Luckily, I was in a good mood and I had Sandra and Ludovic to protect me, ha haha. I'm not complaining about getting attention, but when I say no, I mean no and that doesn't mean you get to follow me around and try to persuade me otherwise. 

I left at 3h00 and headed home to sleep. Just four hours before I had to get up with Gregoire. Somehow, I had more energy this morning...Maybe it was Serge's magic therapy!

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