Sunday, December 2, 2012

Samedi, 1 Decembre 2012: Creep List Extended

I was able to sleep until 10h00 before Céline woke me up. She was leaving for some errands and wanted to leave Gregoire at home so I gladly got up, drank some coffee, and got back into bed--with Gregoire. He had been crying since his mom left but as soon as I put an episode of Vampire Diaries on he became silent and focused on my computer screen. About 10 minutes in, I felt a bit uneasy because it was just way too quiet. I looked to my right and Gregoire was totally passed out. It was so cute! He must've been pretty comfortable because he slept through his mom coming home. 

We had visitors throughout the day so while Céline was tending to them, I was watching the kids play and changing all of the bedding. Once everyone left, Céline turned the water on for Gregoire's bath. Today was the first time Céline witnessed Gregoire take a bath without crying. I'm trying to make these baths an everyday thing, so hopefully we can make that transition soon.

After putting Gregoire to bed Céline, Didier, and I had some sushi and pan-fried salmon for dinner. I got some messages during this time from Robert. I hadn't met up with him last night like I was supposed to so I guess he was expecting to see me tonight even though I hadn't planned on going anywhere. Here's a little back-story on Robert. He's an english expatriate that's been working in Aix for 8ish years. He messaged me while I had a profile on the dating site. We talked. No romantic interest whatsoever but he seemed like someone cool to hang with. Super friendly guy, very talkative, kids around a lot. He seemed trustworthy so I let him add me on Facebook. I never accept friend requests on FB unless I know someone personally so I was kind of taking an off-step with him. Anyway, he invited me out to drink last night and I went to a friend's party instead even though I already agreed to see him. I know, shame on me, but come on, it's my friend's boyfriend's birthday, she asked me at the last minute, and I haven't seen her in weeks--I'm going to see my friend that I miss. Duh! I told him when I cancelled that I might come out tonight so he messaged me this evening. The conversation went like this...

ROBERT: "Let's get drunk!"

ME: "I was asked to babysit. Gotta stay here til they get back"

ROBERT: "So come out after!"

ME: "Okay. Whenever that is"

ROBERT: "When is it likely to be? I REALLY need to party tonight. believe me!"

ME: "Lol. I'm not stopping you"

ROBERT: "No. Nobody stops me doing what I want, BUT if I'm partying, I want you to be there! We need to meet!"

ME: "It'll happen when it's meant to happen"

ROBERT: "Haha! What makes you think I'm gonna give you more than one chance?! You're cute, but you ain't THAT cute!"

ME: "Lol. I didn't ask you to"

ROBERT: "No. You're just arrogant and think you're better than me, for whatever reason! Or have I got that wrong too?"

ME: "Lol. Are you being serious right now? Cause you're about to cross the border into creepy"

ROBERT: "Haha! Chill out! Not creepy, just honest! :-)"

ME: "Ha, Then you were being serious. Listen, I have a job that goes beyond your usual 9 to 5. I don't see how you think I'm being arrogant by leaving our meeting up to fate. I still don't understand why you're being hostile. Smart move though. You were the only one I trusted but you just earned yourself a spot on the block list. Please understand that unless it's work related, you won't be a priority. Good luck in whatever you do"

ROBERT: "I don't need luck. And your last message pretty much proved your arrogance. All the best in whatever you do."

Seriously, I know I'm confident, but arrogant is an exaggeration. He doesn't know me. He's never met me in person. I thought he was kidding around about giving me another chance to meet up with him, so I joked right back. Then the switch flips and all of a sudden he's mad. Can someone please explain to me?


  1. You are not arrogant.....just strong and confident!! I say it is his loss! *hugs*

    1. :-) Thanks...It still baffles me that he reacted that way though. I mean, I know you can't tell what tone or attitude the person is speaking in via messaging but he could've asked if I was being serious like I asked him.

      I also forgot to mention that he's handicapped and uses walking sticks so he's probably used to people being supreme bitches to him. Permanent guard
