Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Vendredi, 21 Decembre 2012: A Weekend on the French Riviera

I spent most of Friday morning cleaning the house with Bonne Maman after I dropped Gregoire off. I caught up on some blog posts in the afternoon before packing for the weekend. I was so busy I didn't even get to eat even though Bonne Maman and Didier had made lunch for everyone. By the time 18h30 came around, it was time for me to pick everyone up. We were going to Nice for the weekend! I spontaneously decided on Nice at Krystle's party last weekend because she said it was super close. I immediately put up my CouchSurfing plans to see if anyone could host us. I got numerous offers within the day so the trip was solid.

After I grabbed Mark, Danny, and Kami, we stopped at a gas station to fill up. My card didn't work because the bank had not raised my spending limit yet so we drove around to a few stations to see if we could find a place where it would work. We ended up using someone else's card and were on our way about a half an hour later. Driving on A8 at night is so beautiful, all of the lights from all of the cities...

The drive to Nice was about 1.5 hours so we would have shown up right on time except I left our hosts' address on my smartphone which was in my backpack in the trunk. The lived in a pretty exclusive area on a mountain by the beach so there were a lot of tunnels, windy roads, and neighborhoods. We were lost for about an hour but we didn't mind at all. Not only was it hilarious because we had to turn around about a dozen times but it was absolutely beautiful!!! The roads in the tunnels sparkled--like not your usual graphite sparkle, but like quartz crystals. It reminded me of the bizarre sparkling of vampire skin in Twilight, ha haha. You could also see the water down below due to the moonlight, it was glimmering. The stars were also fully visible and you could see all of Nice's city lights along with them. A huge marker for us was a chateau on the very top of the mountain. It was lit up on all sides. Ori, one of our hosts, used this chateau to help us find him. 

Ori had been waiting at the side of the road for a good while now. We finally found him and followed him back to the villa. This place was huge!!! It's three separate buildings descending down the side of the mountain. The first building has a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and two bedrooms. The second building is kind of like a dorm with 4 bedrooms and a bathroom. The third building where we stayed was exactly the same as the second. Ori and his roommates made an American dinner for us--the classic hamburgers with all of the dressings. We ate a bit and met the roommates that were home. So, the story is that all 6 of the guys are Israeli ex-military that were hired by an Israeli billionaire for home security. We are so lucky to have found these guys! I wouldn't have felt safer anywhere else. It turns out that they're a ton of fun too!!!

The 8 of us headed to downtown Nice to a packed bar. The guys were worried about everyone not being able to get in so we were supposed to pair off into 'couples.' Ha haha. We didn't really do that. I just walked up to the bouncer, smiled at him and said "Nous avons quatre." He just smiled and said "Go right ahead." Yes. In English. When we got inside we realized that everyone spoke english, even the bartenders and servers. When we got to the back room, the band was playing all American music. Vlad, one of the other CS hosts pulled me up on the tables to dance. It was such a good time!!! I wasn't even drunk but I was having a blast!!!

We followed Oded and his girlfriend to another bar but it was packed so we decided to go home and carry on the festivities somewhere safe before we got too smashed. We all stayed up and drank for awhile. We slowly went to bed, one-by-one. Danny, Mark, and Vlad went to bed around 5h30. I'd say everyone had a good time :-)

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