Saturday, December 1, 2012

Vendredi, 30 Novembre 2012: "Combien de Ploofs?"

My day didn't really get started until I picked Gregoire up from the creche. As soon as we got home, I made him some pasta for dinner, put him to bed, and got ready to go out with some friends from my class. There was so much to do tonight. I was going to pre-game with Robert, Sandra asked me to go to a party with her at her gym, Krystle was throwing a birthday party for her boyfriend, and the CEA girls were going to Bar Street. It's so great to know so many people. You're never bored! 

I ended up breaking the pre-gaming plans with Robert so that I could go to the party at DKA, but those plans were foiled when Sandra's husband decided he wanted to keep her all to himself. I ended up going to Krystle and Sebastien's party and I'm so happy I did! I had a great time hanging with my IEFEE girls. I've missed them so much! Krystle and Dana are hilarious! We have such a great time together. Always, ALWAYS!

Krystle had us all write messages to Sebastien on the back of the bathroom door so he could read everything while he No.2's. Ha haha! In the spirit of that, Dana and Krystle decided to write french jokes about pooping on the door. The slang word for that in french is "ploof." Krystle's message to Sebastien as translated into english reads "Sebastien, please don't take so many shits. I use the bathroom too. - Krystle" Dana and I wrote "PLOOF" in obnoxiously large letters on the back of the door. He should have enough to keep him busy in there :-)

After being introduced to everyone at the party, we were presented with food and that involved drinking, that then evolved into just drinking with no food cushion until we ended up playing Just Dance 4 on the Wii. Oy vey...I was absolutely horrible at it but it's fun to look stupid every once in awhile. 

At some point, Krystle put me in pigtails and humongous nerd glasses, lol. I looked insanely ridiculous but it was fun to be someone else for an hour or so. We ended up having too much fun and drinking too much so I missed seeing everyone else even though I had planned to meet up with them. I took my last drink around 00h30 so that I could drive home and drop Dana and Lauren off on the way.

Now I'm home and my host parents have left cake on the table :-) Nom nom nom...

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