Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Jeudi, 20 Decembre 2012: Le Fin du Monde

I had my usual duties of the day and went to meet Danny at Crepes A GoGo for a mid-day snack. I had invited Kami as well. By the time I arrived, Kami and Danny had already met. Kami said "Danny was so easy to find!" Ha haha. You don't often see men in France with long blonde hair and a full red beard so that's understandable. 

He had a banana and nutella crepe while I ordered my first savory crepe--with spinach. He enjoyed his thoroughly, but I couldn't finish mine. It was absolutely disgusting. That's the first thing I've eaten in France that I didn't like. Keep in mind, I've eaten raw beef and blood sausages and liked them. So, this was one super crappy crepe.

The three of us walked around centre ville for an hour or so, showing Danny around a bit. We stopped at the Christmas market and got some hot, mulled wine. I'm not sure if this was his first time or not but it was awesome, as usual. 

When it was time for me to get back to work, I told Danny that if he was coming back with me that I'd have to put him to work. He didn't care, lol. Since guests would be arriving soon, Danny helped me put the finishing touches on the week worth of cleaning. Céline's mom is sleeping in my room so he helped me change the sheets. We ended up putting my sheets and duvet on Baptiste's bed since I was crashing with him. After we collected some wood for the fireplace, he and I cleaned out the freezer which had been sitting closed and unplugged since we moved into the new house. It was absolutely DISGUSTING!!! The sound it made was terrifying! Like opening tupperware but with a frightening smell escaping with the hiss. AHH!!! I'm so glad I didn't have to do it alone. I had already put it off for a day because I didn't have time to do it the day before. I started out by pouring vinegar all of the inside, then I sprinkled baking soda on top of that. We allowed that to work for a few minutes before I started wiping up the mold and mildew with paper towels. For the next cleaning stage, I threw boiling hot water over the entire surface, let that sit, then sopped it all up with an ugly towel that I also threw away. Next, I cleaned with Lysol and I finished with more boiling hot water. The freezer is now in pristine condition. Wow...I am one awesome au pair! ;-) This is definitely not in the job description but the family thanks me in so many ways. It was, in a way, my gift to them. 

I dropped Danny off at his apartment right before I went to pick up the kids. They were pretty well-behaved for the most part. Except that they ate an entire box of cookies. Ew. As soon as Céline came home with Armelle (Bonne maman), I took off back towards centre ville. I'm able to use Danny's parking space while he's renting the apartment so I don't have to spend 20+ minutes looking for one, so that's a plus. He and I went to La Piazza Pappa, a nice italian chain restaurant on the Cours Mirabeau. I got my usual Fromage Blanc salad and a new pasta which I was not able to finish due to all of the cookies that the kids force fed me earlier. Danny got the chicken and pasta dish I ordered last time. I'd say he enjoyed his first sit-down restaurant experience in France. 

Kami met up with us after dinner and we went to a hookah bar. The three of us sat together and talked about everything including the impending apocalypse. It was so beautiful inside and so relaxing but all of the hype over the end of the world made me ansty and I wanted to get home before midnight. I didn't get home 'in time' but the stars were absolutely gorgeous and so clear. I also had Armin van Buuren--my favorite DJ on the radio live with one of his A State of Trance episodes. It was so soothing. I stood outside during 'Le Fin du Monde' half-expecting to see fireballs. I was a bit disappointed when nothing happened, but at least I can say I survived the end of the world...again.

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