Monday, August 5, 2013

Dimanche, 14 Juillet 2013: Bêtes de Provence

I left Krystle's pretty early this morning. When I arrived back home, my host family and the 8 guests were already eating breakfast. I, of course, dove right in.

After Julien and all of his friends took off to the wedding brunch Didier, Céline, and I started working. My farewell party is Saturday and we finally have some motivation to work on the outside of the house. The three of us cleaned up the entire parking area which was completely covered with crap--fallen branches, old shrubs that had been torn out, even trash. As soon as we finished raking all of the stuff up, it looked like a whole new place! Instead of 3 cars, there's now space for 20! It's amazing!!!
In the midst of cleaning and re-arranging, I came across a little scorpion. It was so small, it could fit inside a nickel. I had no idea they existed in these parts! When I think of scorpions, I think of huge deserts. But no, they're here too. We found about 3 of them and smashed them all. I kind of wish I would've kept one as a pet. I've always wanted one! I know...I'm a little bit strange. Ha haha

Since we're on the topic of pests, I'd just like to say that the mosquitoes in Provence are the absolute worst!!! They NEVER bite me back in the states. It's so annoying here! Since there's no A/C and it's hot as balls, we sleep with the windows and shutters open to let in the cool, night air. The problem with that is that you also let in all of the evil bloodsuckers. Even if you're not getting bitten, like say you sleep with a sheet over your body and head, you still hear them buzzing around your head. I haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks...Darn you skeeters!!!

There's another bug that's famous for the Provence area. They're called "eules." They're these creepy, black millipedes that come out when it's warm. They crawl all over your house and their favorite hangout is doorways. I have no idea why...But I started surveying all entrances once they started falling on my head...Blech!!!

Today is also Bastille day. I had always heard that the French celebrate Bastille Day like we celebrate Independence Day back in the states. It was similar, but back home, we do more of the BBQ social and shoot off our own fireworks. My host parents, Greg, and I just watched the city fireworks from our terrace. I was exhausted from all of the yard work, so I'm glad we didn't do anything extravagant this Bastille Day. Whew!

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