Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mercredi, 24 Juillet 2013: Profitez

I was supposed to drop Gregoire off at his god-mother's house today but I decided instead to keep him. The little guy came along with Andréa and I to Krystle and Sebastien's for dinner. Krystle made my favorites from her recipes--salmon topped with Boursin (herbed cream cheese), wrapped in a buttered, braided dough, and baked to perfection. As for a side, she made my favorite greek salad. YUM! I have the most talented and generous friends. Seriously! 

As Krystle was finishing up the dinner prep, she played a video she had made as a farewell gift. Krystle is really just so thoughtful! It means so much to me that she took the time to compile all of the pictures and even my favorite songs for this. I'm going to miss this girl so much. She really knows how to make you feel special. Not only that, but it's so difficult to find friends that you really don't have to censor yourself with. I have a handful of friends that I can be mostly frank with, but I never have to filter anything out with Krystle. I can criticize her, and vice versa, and no one ever gets hurt. It's because we both understand that if we didn't care, we wouldn't bother saying anything. To me, that's a true friendship. 

Dinner was absolutely delicious tonight, as usual. Krystle cooked. The occasion was really quite somber though. Tonight is probably the last time that I would get to see Krystle and Sebastien--two people that I had become closest to during my time in France. I still have so much to do before I head back to the states so I'm going to take advantage of tonight. 

Krystle and I kind of just hung out at the dinner table while Gregoire played with the boys. Sebastien and Andréa absolutely love and want kids so they've got the energy to keep up with my Greg. After our rambunctious 3 year old wore himself out, running all over the apartment, he settled down on the couch. Or, maybe it was because he bumped into something and didn't want to cry about it. I don't know which statement is true because the guys gave me both. Greg had plopped himself into a corner of one of the couches--far away from Andréa and Sebastien. He was completely silent and stared into nothing. It's extremely odd for him to daze out like that so I went over and sat next to him. I put my arm around him and he just rested his head against my body. I could tell he was bothered by something but was trying to be tough. I suppose a year of me telling him "If it's not broken and if it's not bleeding, then don't cry" has finally kicked in. Yeah, I'm pretty hard on him, but it's not for nothing. Kids need to know that crying won't get them anywhere. Crying for emotional release is a different story. 

Gregoire was all sweaty from running around with no A/C or fan. I blew on him to cool him down a bit. Once he was nice and dry, he rolled up into a ball onto my lap while I rubbed his back. When I saw him close his eyes, Andréa and I picked him up and took him home. My sweet little Greg. God, I'm going to miss this kid...

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