Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mercredi, 17 Juillet 2013: Return to Mont St. Victoire

I woke up around 6h00 this morning for a hike. My host parents agreed to take Gregoire to the creche so that I could hike up St. Victoire one last time before heading back to the states. The three girls all carpooled together. We had all met for the first time this morning. The four of us rendez-vous'ed at the dam and hiked from there. The gate to the dam was closed but we decided to hop the fence because there was no way we were waiting until 9h00 to start the hike--especially with this heat wave. It was supposed to get around 30°C  (86°F) by noon today. 

Though we had just met this morning, it was really easy to talk to the girls. I was completely open with them and it seemed as if they were with me too. I like being able to chat without feeling like I'm being judged and I like people to feel comfortable with me as well. Travelers are generally much more friendly though. It's easy for us to make friends. Well, and we're all au pairs so we have to be somewhat likeable ;-) The four of us talked the entire 5 hour hike up and down the mountain. I wouldn't have known it was 5 hours though, it seemed like it went by so fast! 

Here's to new friendships and new adventures! Enjoy the pictures!

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