Monday, August 12, 2013

Lundi, 22 Juillet 2013: The Day After

I took Greg to the creche like I normally do every morning. I can tell he knows something's going on but he's choosing not to acknowledge it. The kid is too smart. When I got home, I was afraid to walk into the house. Google was acting funny, just sitting and staring at one particular spot. She's normally all over the place--running and jumping all over you. She knew something was wrong too. Or it could be my imagination. I don't know. I fully believe dogs can sense things humans can't.

Andréa came to Aix immediately after work today. He was pet-sitting for his cousin so he brought the hamsters along. Didier told him that he could stay with us at the house so that's what he planned on doing as long as the parents were gone. Céline and Didier kept me updated on the preparations for Bonne Maman while I texted them regularly with pictures and messages assuring them that Greg was alright.

When Andréa laid down for his nap, I went and picked Gregoire up from the creche. Carine, Greg's god-mother had invited us over to her house today. The point was to keep Greg occupied. Carine's daughters and nanny had made Gregoire a car-shaped chocolate cake with his name on it. It was so adorable! Carine's sons played with Greg the rest of the evening as I watched. He always wanted me to stay close-by so I ended up playing too. It wasn't so bad. 

The two of us ate dinner with the 4 kids and the nanny before heading home to Andréa. It was a good idea to go out there for the evening. I think I would've just been depressed and Gregoire would've been bored if we would've just stayed at home. 

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