Monday, August 12, 2013

Dimanche, 21 Juillet 2013: Never Take For Granted

I drove Andréa back to Marseille today. I had decided I was going to spend the rest of the day with him there since maman and papa were holding down the fort back in Aix. In the midst of our nap, Andréa got a call from Didier since my phone was dead. Bonne Maman had gone into cardiac arrest and paramedics were trying to resuscitate her. After Andréa explained to me what was happening, I just turned toward the wall and prayed. A few minutes later, Didier called a second time and asked me to come home because they were heading to the vacation home to be with Bonne Maman. I didn't even hesitate. I got all of my stuff together, kissed Andréa goodbye, and heading back to Aix. I didn't necessarily speed but I drove efficiently. I got home in about 20 minutes.

When I opened the gate to let my car in, maman walked out. I parked my car before running up to her to give her a hug. She completely dropped herself into my arms, clutched me tightly, and sobbed. We stayed like that a long, long time. When I walked in, Didier was getting their bags together. I asked him what had happened. He explained they were leaving for the vacation home once Lucille and Jean-Pierre got to the house and that Bonne Maman passed away. I was absolutely shocked. All I said was "No...Shut up." I could've said something more helpful at that point but I had no words. 

Didier's kids and other party guests left as the parents were waiting. Didier explained to me that I needed to stay with Greg in Aix because they wanted to keep him away from all of that for now. I wasn't supposed to tell him anything and I agreed with that decision. He's just too young. It's a good thing the triplets were with their dad.

Maman's sister and brother and law arrived about twenty minutes after I did. I just stood in the doorway and watched everyone hug and cry. The expressions on everyone's faces was despair. I couldn't handle seeing them like that so I walked into the living room where Greg was watching a movie. My host parents took off with Lucille and JP not long after Carine arrived. Carine is Greg's god-mother and Céline's best friend and co-worker. Carine came to make sure Greg and I would be taken care of. She stayed awhile and made sure we had everything we needed including her contact info. 

When Carine finally left, the house felt so empty. Gregoire and I are used to being on our own but the energy was different today. We lost a family member. I was told to close the house up so that we were more secure but I thought closing all of the shutters would make the house more depressing so I left them all open. I made dinner for Greg as I normally do. I was a bit more playful with him tonight because I didn't want him to think anything was wrong. I slept in the parents' bed with him tonight. Maman had suggested it and I thought it was a good idea. Everyone can benefit from a good snuggle though I didn't sleep the entire night. I haven't had anyone die in a long time. I just went through all of my memories with Bonne Maman all night long...

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