Saturday, October 27, 2012

Vendredi, 26 Octobre 2012: Pad Thai

I got up in a panic this morning. I woke up about 30 minutes after my alarm had already gone off and ran out to the kitchen to see if someone else had already taken Baptiste to his soccer game. It turns out that because it was raining, his game was postponed until 18h00.

I crawled back into bed and woke up a second time to a lot of banging. I walked to the kids' floor to see what was going on. Léa had started packing up her room. Though I knew we had to pack up all of the kids' rooms today, I assumed we'd be starting in the afternoon--not 10h00. Oh well, I was up so I was ready to get some work done. I can't get back to sleep once I start moving around. Since Léa knew what she was doing, I went to the TV room to grab Baptiste who had not yet begun. It's surprising though. You put some cardboard boxes together, tell the kid what to put in it and how to organize and they do it all. They even do it right! How was I blessed with such wonderful children??? Though we were all constantly moving, it took us 5 hours to clear out all of the rooms. Time flew by! We didn't even realize that much time had passed. 

By the time we were finished, it was past 14h00 and Didier was calling us for lunch. I'm not sure what we ate besides green beans. The other thing was like a crepe rolled and filled with chipped beef gravy. I've never seen anything like it before but it was tasty for sure! And yes, we had bread and cheese afterward :-)

Léa made us all hot chocolates afterward which put me into chill mode. I went back to my room and watched the rain fall. It's strange, we're not supposed to get much rain here in Aix but since Jacob's been here, it's rained every other day at least...Bummer for him. He can't experience Aix for all that it's worth. I've been told it's raining everywhere else in France and Italy though. 

I laid in my bed for about an hour or so and talked to Jacob. I tried to talk him into taking a trip somewhere since I would have the kids everyday but he refused and said that he didn't really want to see anything. Totally a lie!!! When he first got here he told me that he really wanted to see Paris and the Mediterranean...I guess some people just don't like doing things on their own. And I am definitely not one of those people...I just don't know how you can go to a foreign country and not do anything besides walking around and seeing the same sights. If I didn't have any responsibilities for a week, you know I'd be all over the place. Oh well, his loss. 

Baptiste's game had been cancelled indefinitely so I took him and Léa to their father's house. They will be spending the first week of fall break with their dad while the rest of us are moving into the new house so I gave them huge hugs. Didier and I picked Gregoire up from daycare and proceeded to the supermarket. 

The traffic today was beyond horrible, even on our side of town. It took us almost an hour just to get to the Super Casino which normally takes about 5 minutes. When we got to town we saw the culprit. It was a MINOR collision between one car and a bus!!! The two people were just standing in the middle of the street screaming at each other while the lines were backed up into the outskirts of Aix! The nerve of some people!!! Get over it!!! Move your car off of the road!!! It's Friday!!!

We finally get to the Casino and go on a shopping spree. Didier asked me to make a 'thai' dinner to surprise Céline tonight so I chose 3 dishes that I was craving, made a list, and Didier bought all the ingredients along with 10 bottles of wine. Mon Dieu!!! I love my family :-)

On the way home, Didier directed me to the highway so we could avoid traffic. It was my first time on a french highway. I was so excited to put the car into 4th, 5th, and 6th gear!!! If you've ever been in a car wth me, especially my manual cars, you know I like you go fast so this was a treat for me!

We finally make it home and I get in full chef mode. I throw together all of the ingredients, make a huge mess, and we were able to eat by 20h00. Tonight, I made chicken curry, pad thai, and my mom's egg rolls. They loved it!!! Even Gregoire was inhaling the food like a champ. He NEVER does that!!! Céline and Didier liked it so much that they went back for seconds AND thirds!!! These weren't baby portions either, these were full-sized plates filled from edge to edge. I am so happy that they enjoyed it because I was really missing some real asian food, ha haha. We had a bit of everything left so they're taking the rest to work with them tomorrow. What a trip! 

We ended tonight with a few extra glasses of wine and cigarettes (for them). We had a lot of fun joking around with each other and Céline ended up making some crazy but amusing moves, lol. She had on her rain coat and Didier said she looked like Inspector Gadget so she started kicking her leg here and there, waving her arms everywhere. She's hilarious. They're so awesome together. 

At the end of the 2nd bottle of wine, Céline tells me that I'm too drunk to take the car out--especially on a rainy night. So here I am, eating flan, and writing this blog post. Afterward, I'll go to my bedroom with Google and watch Underworld 4: Awakening. Ahh...I live such a difficult life ;-)

Bonne nuit!!!

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