Monday, October 29, 2012

Lundi, 29 Octobre 2012: Mid-Atlantic Frankenstorm Update

10h00 came and I woke up naturally. I brushed my teeth and went out to the kitchen to make my usual latté. I decided I would have a semi-healthy breakfast this morning and had 2 eggs with no bread and a banana. My host dad seems to think that my eating habits will make me severely overweight. Little does he know that my parents are 5'0, 5'2 and 115lbs, 130lbs respectively. We're all skinny--I think it's just in our genes. Plus, I think it's because I eat all the time that I'm so small. My metabolism is continuously working. I hope Didier doesn't worry too much though. I'm just going to keep my eating habits and he'll see in a few months that my physique will be unchanged. I might have to run a bit with all of this bread and cheese though! Bread is not normally in my diet.

After Didier left for some errands in town I started to box up the kitchen. I packed up everything except the food, 4 plates, 4 bowls, 3 wine glasses, 4 water glasses, and 4 knives/forks/and spoons just as Céline had asked. I also left out a pan and one pot so we could cook what was left in the pantry and fridge. The packing took me about 4 hours and by the time Didier had gotten home, I was finished. Céline and Didier are so occupied with work that this is the least I can do to help them. And like I said before, the triplets are with their dad this week so it's not like I have to do real 'au pair' work. 

For lunch, I made myself a packet of Velouté de Crésson--Watercress soup. It was actually very good, but I grew up on watercress. Around 17h00 I finally took a shower. While getting ready I put in my amber Halloween contacts to see if anyone would say anything but Didier himself didn't notice. I went to get gas before I had to pick Gregoire up from the creche. Good thing I left super early because it took me about an hour to get to the gas station. Traffic was horrible and I did not foresee this especially since school is out for two weeks. I went to the creche to pick up Gregoire--he immediately pointed to my eyes. Ha haha. Kids are so observant. 

I immediately started working on dinner when I got home. It was Didier's suggestion but I was more than happy to oblige. We normally eat around 20h00 or 21h00 but since we had daylight savings yesterday it got dark much sooner today and that's usually an appropriate time to start prep work. Since we're trying to get rid of all of the food we have, I mixed 4 different types of rice and cooked it in a pork stock from the previous day. I also fried some chicken in a lemon/butter/herbs de provence sauce and heated some canned ratatouille. It was a really good dinner or so we thought. Gregoire absolutely hated it because he could see the vegetables. He cried and threw a tantrum and the parents gave him the option of eating the food or going to bed. After saying he would eat it for the 3rd time and not doing so, Didier took him to his bedroom and left him there. He bawled his eyes out and came back to the kitchen and started eating. Slowly, but surely. I'm so happy to see that Céline and Didier still discipline him and don't spoil him even though he's the youngest. It makes me think of my little sister who really got the entire world handed to her on a silver platter. If any of you know her or if I've told you about her, then you know that this didn't turn out well. I'm not speaking to her or my mother at this point and I don't think I will ever speak to them again. I don't want to or feel that I need to at least. It's a long story...

With Frankenstorm approaching, I decided I would call my brother and dad--2 people I still care the most about in this world. My dad had already left for work but my brother picked up his phone. He assured me that everyone is crazy and that Hurricane Sandy is being over-hyped. He kept talking about how people are wasting time and money by cancelling work and missing a day's worth of production. Lol. That's the work ethic we were raised on. I'm so proud of Rambo. I hope I can fly him here for a vacation before I leave. He works way too much. For a 23 year old in charge of quality assurance at a huge company like Cargill, he's way too serious about work. But, it's paid off for him. He supervises people that are more than twice his age so he's doing pretty well for himself. Ahem, except he still lives at home (with his 28 year old girlfriend) and has never left. Lol. It's a cultural thing though, like Italians who also keep most of their kids (usually males) through the age of 30. Whatever floats his boat.

Even though it's only 22h00, I'm going to go to bed. I've downloaded the first 3 episodes of season 3 of the Walking Dead and I'm going to catch up on them before I pass out. I've got to be up at 8h00 to direct the movers while Céline and Didier are at work.

À Bientôt!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, what happened between your mom and sister?? :( Sorry to hear about that! And yeah this whole hurricane thing is completely nutttts!!!
