Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lundi, 22 Octobre 2012: Hit and Run

My Monday started off alright. I woke up early to take the kids to school--thinking I had class myself at 8h30. When I realized I didn't have class until 13h00 I turned back toward the Cours Mirabeau to head home. While traffic is usually pretty crazy in the mornings it was noticeably worse today. I turned onto the roundabout at La Rotunde, being extremely cautious as always. People will randomly cut you off without sense or reason. Though traffic was moving slow, there were still some people trying to gun it. I experienced the worst of it...I was sitting idle in the traffic jam while a girl to my left slammed on her gas to cut through me and a bus in front of me. She made her move without giving me any warning and completely dented and scratched the left side of my car. I put the car in park since traffic was still stopped and got out to talk to her.  While I scrambled to get a look at her license plate traffic finally started moving again giving her a quick exit off of the roundabout. The bitch just high-tailed it out of there!!! I hate how the people here have no regard for personal property or personal liablilty. You see people hitting each other all the time (even in Porsches) and no one ever stops to exchange information. People just act like they don't care. But to me, it's a big deal.  I can't remember if I mentioned this in a past blog post or not but Danielle was hit by a car while she was walking!!! And the guy just drove away!!! Seriously people? Hold yourselves accountable. Karma is a bitch...And even if you don't believe in it, it exists!

I tried to mentally prepare myself for the conversation I would be having with Céline and Didier later that night...Though I was stressed, I knew that it wasn't completely my fault. I should know better than to take a busy road, though I didn't know how else to get home since most streets are one-way. I was home ironing for a few hours before I decided to head back to town to meet Danielle and Jacob for lunch. 

It was raining so I picked Jacob and Danielle up. I tried to find a parking space in front of school. Some jerk was had parked on the exit though, blocking any pathway. Instead of backing all the way out of the narrow street, I decided to park. There were a few other cars there so I thought 'if they can do it, then I can too.' 

The three of us went to the Bio Café. We got the usual sandwiches, except this time I ordered a glass of wine instead of a coffee. I was still nervous about having to tell my host family about the accident. 

Between history and language class I stopped by the office to find out why I hadn't gotten my ID card yet. The assistant director notified me that they never received my payment from CSA so I wasn't officially enrolled. I tried calling CSA to find out where my money was, but alas, they never answer their phone, so I wrote to them. They immediately answered my e-mail and said that they never received my money so I replied with a copy of the receipt showing that I obviously paid. They wrote back a few minutes later saying that there is no record of the payment and that it was invalid. Instead of engaging them in this "game" I decided to get ahold of the Better Business Bureau in Washington state where they are located. It took less than 24 hours for the BBB to give me a response even though they said it could take up to one month. They put in a formal 'demand' that CSA issue me a full refund for all transactions so I could directly pay the school. Justice!!!

I left language class an hour early as usual to go pick up the kids. I always feel like such a jerk leaving class early but it must be done. I walked out to my car and noticed a new dent. While investigating I came to the conclusion that this was another hit and run! The scratches looked newly made and the area was still warm from the friction of the impact. MERDE!!! TWICE IN ONE DAY?!?!? Who ARE you people?!?!? 

I picked the children up and told them about my horrible, horrible day. They gave me a head rub on the way home so I felt a little better. Ha haha. When Céline and Didier got home I told them the whole story and they kind of just blew it off like 'Whatever.' I felt 100% better after that though I was a little upset that my shiny car now has flaws. 

I tried to facebook Jacob after dinner to see what we were doing for the night. Occasionally, we lose our internet connection at the house--this was one of those nights. I tried to call him knowing it would be fruitless since he didn't have any phone service. And without Wifi, I couldn't call him using Viber which is the service that kept us in communication. Even though it was only 22h00 I decided to call it a night and go to bed. My day was just so mentally exhausting I could feel my body wanting to shut down. I wouldn't have been any fun anyway...

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