Friday, October 12, 2012

Vendredi, 12 Octobre 2012: The Solution and Winos United

Still distressed over last night's news I awaken at noon from an unrestful sleep. I immediately get online to see if Romy has found a solution. No message from him yet, but I did get some good news. I finally sold my other car in the states!!! I feel so bad for my little brother who's had to show the car to all of these people, but it's officially over. I accepted $800 for the car just to get it off of my parents' driveway.

A few minutes later I get a message from Romy saying that he found the perfect solution. He said that I would be working for his brother's ex-wife, Celine, who needs an au pair and that she'd be okay with me leaving her to work with the Faget family in February. I'm happy that Romy didn't just leave me out to dry but I hate that I had to go through this. I called Celine today to get to know her a bit. She seems like an alright person, pretty nice, but it's difficult to know over the phone. She told me that she would be calling me back tomorrow with her husband who speaks good english so we could get a handle on the official terms of the job.

Content with the fact that I wouldn't have to crawl back to the families that I had already turned down, I went on with my day. It was a bit chilly in the earlier hours so I spent my day inside reading the news...I wish I hadn't. If you ever go to you will learn to hate the world. This is why I don't have any news subscriptions. I just want to read good news! (Ref. to a Something Corporate song) 

Around 17h30, I headed over to the Augustins apartment. There was a free wine tasting event outside of L'Epicerie so the girls and I had planned on using that as an apertif. We made our way to the plaza around 19h00. It was a beautiful part of town with a lot of Baroque architecture. There were about 12 stands serving various types of red wine. I stopped at all of them :-) If you've ever been to a wine festival with me, you would know I get tipsy after the 3rd stand, ha haha. *LIGHTWEIGHT* And yes, I was happily drunk by the end of the tour. 

The winery representatives were pretty cool. Most of them spoke english but encouraged us to speak french. I enthusiastically used all of the french I knew to flirt with the guys there. They thought my american accent was cute and told me that my french speaking skills are pretty good--LIARS. They taught me a few words so I could sound like a french wine snob. For example, "cépage" means varietal, though most of the wines in Aix are blends. 

There was one guy Gaultier (not to be confused with Danielle's Gaultier) that I kind of hit it off with. He's 25--a bit young for me, lol. Kind of cute, super straight which is awesome because most of the guys I've met here seem gay--not that this is a bad thing but it's a problem for a straight girl in search of a boy toy, ha haha. Gaultier gave me his work schedule so I can come see him but lives right by me so I don't think that will be an issue. 

Speaking of guys though, I can't forget to tell you all about the British guy I was kind of "talking to." I was browsing the market alone one day before class and this guy just walked up to me and said "You are absolutely lovely! I must know you!" Jasper as he so calls himself is 38 and a restores houses all over the world. He's currently in Aix because he just restored a house in the center. I gave him my number and e-mail and we wrote back and forth a few times. This guy was a bit odd...He would have my schedule and still try to see me while I'm already occupied. He finally selected a time when we would both be free and I wrote back saying that I would see him then. He replied with "Well, you seem hesitant or nervous. I hope you're more excited when I see you!!! And I hope you're more passionate in real life!!!" That COMPLETELY turned me off. I wrote back saying "If I was nervous, I never would have given you my number or written you back. As for judging my passion through an e-mail, I don't think you can sense a person's emotions through their writing--especially mine. But I just realized that this will not work out. You seem like a nice person but not for me. Good luck in your endeavors." What I really meant to say was...'You're a creep. Don't tell me I'm not passionate in life just because I don't write like a child and obsessively use exclamation points.' Ha haha. He never wrote back or called me ever again. I am happy about that.  

After the wine tasting, 6 of us decided to try to find an authentic french restaurant for dinner. We tried to eat at the restaurant Gaultier suggested but they seat by reservation only. We ended up going back to the Augustins Plaza right under Danielle's apartment. We found a nice restaurant, ate some wonderful food, and called it a night.

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