Friday, October 12, 2012

Jeudi, 11 Octobre 2012: The Unexpected

My Thursday school day was pretty eventful. We watched Cave of Hidden Secrets in history class--which started a half an hour late. I had seen that video before in english so I didn't have any trouble following. In language class it was Evangelia's birthday so we did about an hour of school work before pausing to eat cakes and drink alcoholic apple cider that our professor had brought.

We all went around the room and sang Evangelia Happy Birthday in our native tongues. The prettiest songs were from Greece (where Evangelia is from) and Germany. 

After all of the cake, cider, and bon bons I felt sick. Like I said before, I do not crave sweets, but I was so hungry today that I just inhaled it all. Bad idea...It was really difficult to get back to work after everyone had gotten a good buzz going on. But we powered through it and finished class.

I waited for Lydia and Danielle to get out of class so we could go to the market together and get stuff for dinner. I owed Lydia and Danielle so I decided it was my turn to cook that night. I made a whitefish and spaghetti in a lemon butter sauce--one of my favorite recipes, except the fish wasn't what I expected here. It was too dry for my liking. I discovered something new at the market that I have fallen in love with though...Canned mackerel in a mustard sauce!!! Mackerel is already my favorite sashimi. This canned mackerel tasted absolutely delicious on bread!!! I guess I'll have to find out how I can buy this in bulk...

We all went outside on the terrace to eat. After dinner, I got on my laptop to check my messages. I had gotten one from Romy and it was not good news. He wrote that Delphine was approved for an extended maternity leave and that they would not need an au pair until January. I was HORRIFIED!!! He said that he didn't find out until that day and that he would have let me know sooner, but honestly, they should have told me that they had put that request in in the first place so that I could plan accordingly. He so strongly pursued me for the job that I didn't expect this. I didn't know what to do. I kind of freaked out a bit. 

He kept on saying that they "have a crush" on me and wanted only me for the job. He asked if it was possible to wait and I told him that with my funds diminishing and no income, it would not be possible. He suggested that I accept one of the other job offers I had gotten and leave that family in January to go work for them after I decided I was unhappy with them. I told him that I would NEVER do that A. because I get along with everyone and I know I would never be unhappy especially with the pre-determined conditions, and B. because I would never leave a family hanging especially when they need me so much. He replied with "I know, and that's why we want you." 

I told him that I had already told the other families 'no' anyway because I had already accepted his offer. It would be weird to write the families back and say 'Hey! I know I told you I found a better offer but it was a fluke and I can still work for your family.' That would just be completely disrespectful and Romy agreed so he said that he would find a solution...

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