Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dimanche, 21 Octobre 2012: Intro to Mimosas

I woke up around 10h00 on Sunday. I'm not sure why I can't sleep past noon here. It's weird. I haven't really had a full night's rest yet since I've moved into this house. It's not that I'm uncomfortable here. I feel as if this is my home, that I'm meant to be here. As true as that is, I've been restless every night--tossing and turning. My brain feels like it's constantly on...I don't know what would be occupying it though.

I ate breakfast and immediately went to the ironing board. Ironing's not known to be a hobby, I don't think...But 4 hours passed and I didn't even realize it. I don't know how it happens...

Lunch was served around 14h00. Today we had some sort of caviar and paté on crostini. We also had a paté served in a crust and grilled pork. Obviously, you know it was a success as it always is. 

I left around 17h00 to help Danielle move into her home-stay, picking up Jacob on the way. We loaded her luggage and drove to the Paul Cézanne University area. When my GPS told me that we had arrived, we all got out of the car and unloaded her bags. A car was coming and there was no parking so I took off and did a few laps around the block while Jacob and Danielle tried to find the apartment building. The second time I went around the block, I saw a woman standing outside who looked like she was waiting for something. She was standing 100 yards from where we did the drop off but Danielle was already on the other side of the street with all of her bags and Jacob trailing behind her. I immediately called her and tell her to turn around. I parked the car next to the woman and asked her if she was waiting for someone. When she said that she was waiting for Danielle I had to explain that she was lost and that I wasn't with her because I had to move my car. I'm constantly reminded that I know more of the french language than I realize when I'm struggling. Ha haha. Jacob and I helped Danielle carry the bags upstairs. We said goodbye and I almost crushed the dear woman's hands. Firm handshakes and old people with arthritis = big no no.

Jacob and I got back in the car and headed back to my side of town. We stopped at a grocery store that was surprisingly open on a Sunday. They barely had any fresh ingredients but I had to make do with what I could. When we got back to the house I immediately started making dinner. By the time Didier got back from dropping the boys off in Avignon I was finished. Tonight, I made my mushroom risotto, puréed cauliflower, and a whitefish with lemon butter sauce. It was comme çi, comme ça but everyone lied and said they liked it, Ha haha. In keeping with my tradition at home, I bought champagne and orange juice for mimosas. I decided then that I would make it a weekly ritual here as well. Céline and Didier enjoyed them for sure!

Everyone went to bed around 21h00 while Jacob and I stayed up and chatted at the dinner table. By 23h00, I was so exhausted from they day and lack of sleep from the past few nights that I could feel my body shutting down. I drove Jacob back to his hotel and he surprised me with a kiss...[More on this later]

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