Monday, October 29, 2012

Dimanche, 28 Octobre 2012: Happy Birthday Molly!!!

Sunday started like it always would by waking up late. I didn't have mimosas this Sunday however. I completely forgot! I had lunch with my family which consisted of slowly cooked pork with vegetables in a broth. It reminded me of an italian style pork with au jus and giardinera. I quickly ate lunch and went to town.

I was meeting a model that afternoon, Brian Hernandez. He's another amateur model in the area and we were meeting so that he could catch me up on what's going on at each photoshoot instead of having me translate everything. Our Halloween shoot was cancelled today so we were able to get together. We met at the Lounge on the Cours Mirabeau and just talked. He caught me up on all of the photographers and models as well as what the themes will be. He showed me a few portfolios and I have picked out some photographers that do more glamour work--which I like. Hopefully they'll ask to work with me! Brian and I weren't together for long before we parted ways. I'm so thankful to have another model there that speaks english, otherwise, my french should get pretty good huh? ;-)

I went to the car to get a bottle of rum that my host dad had given me earlier that day. Didier gave me an entire box of liquor. He wants to get rid of it because they only drink it when his older 3 children come to visit. I'll probably just keep it in the car so I can drink with his kids :-) I brought the rum to the Augustins apartment and gave it to Molly. As you have probably already guessed it's her birthday today!!! She's only turning 21, soo young! But I love her and she's mature beyond her years--I'm not sure what that makes me...Ancient probably, ha haha. 

We hung out for a few minutes before I had to head back home. When I got back Céline was packing so I decided to jump in and help. I mean, what else am I going to do to earn my money without the triplets here? Gregoire's not much work so I should help pack and I'm happy to do it. It's so easy and I'm so organized, it takes me no effort at all. Céline, Didier, and I each packed a different part of the house for several hours. We did good work because 3 hours later the cabinets and drawers in all the rooms beside the kitchen were empty.

Around 19h00 I headed back to the Augustins apartment to meet the girls for dinner. I brought Molly another bottle of liquor that Didier had given me, though we have no clue what it is. It's 90 proof, clear, and absolutely disgusting. I assume it must be some type of vodka. We each had a couple of shots of this mysterious liquor before heading out to dinner. 

We walked around for a few minutes before deciding to go to La Claveche--one of my favorite restaurants. Three of the girls got the Tagliatelles Carbonera that I had ordered the first time while me, Kami, and Jen ordered the Tagliatelles aux Fruits de la Mer, Penne au 4 Fromages, and Gnocchi au Parmesan. Dinner was delicious as always and very pleasant although our waitress looked like a skank. Maybe that's just me being a hater because she didn't give me a box like the other servers had at prior visits, but...your belly shouldn't be showing and you shouldn't be chewing gum while you're serving. 

Jen and Lauren recounted the previous night during dinner. Apparently, Lauren's gay roommate and some of Gaultier's friends we had met at the french party were beaten up outside of a gay bar for supposedly being homophobes. It sounds like the bouncer was just on edge, or on drugs and blew the entire situation out of proportion. So much so that one of Gaultier's friends ended up in the hospital with a broken arm. I don't know how you can tell a gay guy he's a homophobe and then beat the shit out of him for shit that you made up in your head. I wish I would've been there because I would've jumped in. Believe me, my brother and I beat the $#!^ out of each other growing up and my dad made sure I knew how to fight before I left for college so no one would #^(% with me. Luckily, the guys here don't know how scrappy I am so they wouldn't know what was going down. I don't care how big or tough you think you are, I knocked the wind out of a 250lb dude and that wasn't because I'm strong. It's because I know what I'm doing. People are dumb though. Hopefully no one in my circle gets into a situation like that again. All I know is that we're never going back to Chado.

Even though the girls went back to Augustins for a movie, I didn't feel like staying out so I went home. I was still hungry when I got back tonight so I had some flan and fruit. Jeez, I'm such a mental fatty but I can't help it. If I'm hungry, I eat. If I'm not hungry, I don't. It's that easy. I had to explain to my host parents that I eat every hour and if I don't do that then I feel sick. They ended up buying me a ton of groceries even though we're moving out of the house in a few weeks. It's so nice of them but they really didn't have to. I would've gotten my own or eaten in town with my friends. I guess in France though, au pairs are considered a member of the family and I feel as such! C'est la vie! Et, la vie est belle!!!

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