Saturday, November 24, 2012

Samedi, 24 Novembre 2012: The Hangover from Hell

I woke up in the middle of the night to Gregoire crying. I was still drunk from the dinner party so I just walked him back to his bed and told him to stop crying. He immediately got back up and followed me back to my room. He was just standing there screaming for his mom and I was so out of it that I just picked him up and put him in the bed between Kami and I. He sniffled for about another minute or so before he passed out. I wasn't sure how Céline and Didier felt about him sleeping in my bed with me but I figured they'd be okay with it as long as it wasn't habitual. Plus, if Gregoire is up screaming then no one can sleep. It was kind of sweet having Gregoire snoring between Kami and I, that is until he hogged Kami's pillow and kicked my boobs. 

Céline came upstairs pretty early this morning. As soon as she opened the hallway door Gregoire woke up screaming for her. The kid isn't a light sleeper but when he wants his mom, he's on alert! Céline grabbed Gregoire so Kami and I were able to sleep undisturbed for a few more hours until the rest of the kids got up. When I woke up for the day I was so hungover that I could hardly move. Even though I had already cleaned up the previous night, I got up to help around the house. I barely made it through a coffee before I felt like I had to vomit. I took this as a cue to get back into bed.

The girls gave me head massages to help me feel better but it just ended up making me feel more sick. Kami put on a few episodes of Dexter's Laboratory while she, Camille, and I were all laying in my bed. We ended up falling alseep to The Sword in the Stone, an old Disney classic. The Italians were knocking out a portion of the ceiling today to make more headroom. There was a ton of noise but Kami and I were out.

Though I was awake around lunch time, I was still dead so I skipped eating. I found some comfort in drinking pickle juice and yogurt. I was able to fold one load of laundry and wash everyone's dishes. I can't stand to just see them sitting there even though I didn't eat. It's disgusting. 

I left the house to pick Baptiste up from soccer practice around 15h45 even though his practice didn't end until 16h15. My gas tank was on empty and I was going to stop for gas on my way to the field. The gas station on the way didn't end up taking cash so I was on edge the rest of the drive to the soccer field and all the way back to the house. We made it to a gas station and I put the 40 euros that Céline had given me earlier into the car. That barely gave me half a tank. Thank goodness I don't pay for gas!!! I wasn't as sick after the gas incident. I probably sweat all of the toxins out of my system while I was panicking. 

I took Kami back to town before dinner so she could get back to her life. I dropped Léa and Camille off with their uncle Romy so they could spend the night at his house. I was originally supposed to work as Romy's au pair before he got a surprise delivery from Germany. 

After I dropped Kami off I had to drive around the Rotunde and through the Cours Mirabeau. I was absolutely taken by the sight! The entire area is decked out in white twinkling lights with the Rotunde itself wearing bold blue lights in place of the water. 

I stopped by a grocery store on the way home to get ingredients for Turkey Devan. I wanted to use the leftover turkey before it went bad so I made a casserole. I tweaked the recipe a bit so I could use other leftovers like mashed potatoes but it still turned out well. Let me tell you though, cheddar is a difficult cheese to find in France. I had to settle for a yellow cheese from Holland that had similar flavor and meltability. The Turkey Devan was a success. We watched Céline Dion's concert in Lyon live on TV while dining. It's a big event in France apparently. I did enjoy it. She's freakin' amazing! 

Three hours later we're all still watching the concert and I'm writing this blog post. I'm a sleepy girl though. Hangovers are exhausting. So I will talk to you all later!!!

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