Saturday, November 24, 2012

Mardi, 20 Novembre 2012: Super Mario

This morning was pretty uneventful. I dropped Gregoire off around the usual time. The creche closed at 16h00 today so it's a good thing I had no other obligations. I did about three loads of laundry this morning. Céline just happened to text me right after the last load saying that electricity is cheaper after 22h00. Awesome! I'll start going back to bed after I drop Gregoire off then :-)

Reconstruction continues on the house. We have two new stairwells. The cumbersome spiral staircases are gone!!! YESSS!!! I'm not sure who designed the house originally but they made life more difficult on the house's occupants. For a house this big, you shouldn't have 3 foot wide tight-winding staircases. The house looks so much bigger with this space opened up. 

I picked Gregoire up about a half an hour earlier so that the ladies at the creche would have one less person to wait on. When I got home Didier was pacing while on the phone. This is normal. He stays on top of his work. 

Céline came home a bit earlier tonight because we had a semi-important dinner to prepare. Three of the guys working on the house came over for dinner and to discuss the next phase of the reconstruction. One of the three guys was Robert's father in law, Mario, a.k.a. Super Mario. Ha haha. I can tell this guy loves me, or young women in general. He asks a lot of questions about my origins. It turns out that he's been to all of the countries of my ancestors and loves it there. Mario's super funny, pretty charming, but extremely difficult to understand with his strong italian accent. All of the men working on the house besides the electrician are 100% italian, true craftsmen. That explains why they do such beautiful work so quickly!

I was still feeling under the weather so I skipped dessert tonight (it was chocolate anyway) and went to bed. I've had episodes the past few days where I've woken up in the middle of the night in a freezing cold sweat. I never sweat, it must be due to my crazy fever. The radiator in my room finally works properly though, so hopefully I'll be able to sleep through the night and allow my body to recuperate.

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