Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dimanche, 11 Novembre 2012: Back to School

Baptiste and Léa's fall break ended last week. They had school the second half of the week while Camille, the other triplet, is just starting back up tomorrow. Today was markedly low for her. I remember what those days are like. She'll eventually learn to lavish in her Sundays when she gets older.

Though I had planned on sleeping in, I woke up at 10h00 to Céline and Camille waving to me from the balcony we all share. They hadn't made any noise but I woke up and looked in that direction at the right time. Though I'm sick and should have probably stayed in bed, the hilarity of the event woke me up. They were so cute standing out there, it just ended up being funny. 

I showered and got ready for the day (minus panties). All of my friends know I like going commando anyway. I feel uncomfortable not wearing underwear around the kids though, even while dressed modestly. It's just that feeling that *maybe* one of the kids might get a glimpse of some cleavage or a butt crack. I wouldn't want to put them through that :-P Though when I'm changing Gregoire or getting him dressed, he has a habit of pulling my shirt down so he can see what's hiding, LMAO...Now THAT is a hilarious sight. Luckily though, the parentals bought a new dryer yesterday so I was able to do laundry today.

I usually eat soup when I'm feeling under the weather so I made a cream of potato soup for breakfast. I had that with some fresh baked bread with sweet cream butter and lavender honey. After I ate, I gave Gregoire a bath which he absolutely detests. He recently had his first encounter with lice so after Céline lathered his hair with the french version of Rid, I had the job of giving him a bath. He always throws a tantrum during his baths and says "pas la tête!" which means "not the head!" I always tell him 'okay' but I always wash his hair. He gets so mad but he needs to get over it. I've never met a kid that didn't like baths until Gregoire, and I've watched a lot of kids...

The interior designers came over during the afternoon to discuss ideas. We had pizza and red wine for lunch which I was unable to enjoy due the loss of my sense of smell. Once they left, I went to my room to relax and catch up on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and the last episode of the Walking Dead. Two shows that are very unlike each other, I know, but I love them both. I tried to nap because sleep, zinc, and vitamin C normally kick a cold for me, but I just couldn't do it. Good thing though because we had more guests arrive. It was Serge, an osteopathic doctor I met the last week, along with his wife and two youngest sons who are in high school. Serge has known Didier since boyhood. They grew up together in Lyon, and came to the south of France at different times--reconnecting here. Serge and his family didn't stay long. 

Céline and I rearranged some more things around the house before I started on dinner. There were a lot of carrots in the fridge so someone had mentioned a carrot purée. I didn't want to be rude but since my taste buds aren't getting a lot of play, I decided to suggest a menu. My idea was curry. It wasn't ingenious in any way since I had already done it but it's kind of soupy. Plus, I could add cayenne pepper to my own bowl to make it known to my taste buds that I still care. I got carried away like always and ended up making a 5 course meal. Camille helped me with the curry and I ended up cooking some basmati rice to go with it. I wasn't satisfied with just two items though so I also made a green salad. But then I saw some dry chinese flour noodles in the pantry and decided to make a lo-mein with sautéed lamb lettuce. Didier decided he was also craving some sausages from North Africa so he fried up some of those too. Though I still couldn't smell, my taste buds got the love that they needed and I finally felt satisfied. 

Camille volunteered to wash the dishes while I dried. I asked Baptiste to clean the table which he did wonderfully. He's my little man. Léa is the least organized and least motivated of the three. I wouldn't call her lazy but you kind of have to force her to do stuff. She's the type of kid that looks for love and acceptance from younger adults though, so when I ask her, she normally gets right to it. She could care less about Didier's demands. Ha haha. I feel so bad for him sometimes because the kids really don't like him.

Bed time was pretty low-key tonight. Céline demanded all the kids to read because they spent all of fall break watching movies and lounging around. Camille said that she didn't like to read and I told her that she just hasn't found the right book yet. I have a copy of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in french. I'll give it to her to try out but the kids are all still reading 15 page picture books. I was reading chapter books by the time I was their age but I also love to read. I want to help the kids broaden their minds, have more imagination, and develop more of a taste for the arts. If any of you have suggestions, please let me know!!!

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