Friday, September 28, 2012

Vendredi 28 Septembre 2012: What the Hell Happened Last Night?!?!

This morning I had a dream about Ben Charlton fighting with one of my old gym teachers from middle school. Ha haha. I woke up thinking I was home but then I looked around. Yann laughed at me and told me that I was a wreck last night. Apparently, I made fish when we got home and spilled the sauce all over the kitchenette. I also puked in the sink and I know it was me because I'm the only person that does that. Idiot. I have no recollection of anything past leaving the club. I think that drink last night really had a rufee in it...All of the girls agree.

I'm so hungover but it's a weird hangover. I just feel dead. I haven't done anything all day except drink water and lounge around.

Yann brought a friend over tonight. He was cute ;-) I left for Danielle's the same time he came in though. And now she and I are going to explore the food places in her neighborhood. It's 22h30 and the party's just getting started ;-) Except I'm too hungover to party. We're going to eat some good french food. à bientôt!


  1. sounds like you are having careful(sorry, I'm a mom).

    1. I will certainly be much more careful after that event! I'm so lucky to have Yann and the others to take care of me. Love you mama
