Friday, September 28, 2012

Mardi, 25 Septembre 2012: Americans in the City

Yann got up early for work and I meandered around the apartment for awhile, struggling to wake up. I finally got myself together and took off towards the Cours Gambetta where my program is apparently housed. I made my way up to the third floor and found all of the international students who had just finished taking their written exams. I'm going to take a moment here to say that my study abroad program SUCKS!!! They haven't helped me do anything. They didn't help me find housing, they didn't tell me when the exams would be or give me an agenda of any sort. There isn't even a program ambassador on campus. All they did was forward the money I sent to them to the university, which I could have easily done myself. It's a good thing I'm resourceful because if I couldn't take care of myself I would probably be on my way home by now.

I signed in with the secretary. Here, I met some Israeli students. Everyone met downstairs to take our oral exams. While waiting, I met some americans. There's Lydia, Kari, Maggie, Lauren, Kendra, Molly, and Camille. They're really cool. Each of them have a personality trait that mesh perfectly with me. The girls invited me out that night and I made sure I could bring my bestie Yann.

When I got home I immediately told Yann that I made 7 new friends. He said he was proud of me. Ha haha. I explained to him that we had plans that night so we began our preparations with a nap :-) We woke up, got ready, had dinner, and headed toward La Rotunde to meet Kari and Lydia who led us up to a spanish-style apartment. 

There are about 7 people sharing this flat so it was pretty big with a nice terrace. There, I met a few more american students: Danielle from New York, Armando, Jean-Michel, and Elizabeth who was in the program the previous year. There is also Julie who is kind of like a peer advisor. Of all of the people there, only Yann and Julie are french. 

Yann had an early morning coming up so he went home. The rest of us slammed down a few bottles of wine before we headed out to the bars. Our first stop was Wahoo, the international student bar. It was "Dress Like Your Childhood Hero" night :-/ We weren't really feeling the vibe there and it was super packed so we left. We ended up walking around, checking out the other bars but not really stopping anywhere. I got so tired that I went home for the night, a whole two blocks away. 

Heels and cobblestone don't really mix in case you were wondering. 

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